Exclusive - HEALTH ALERT: Bad Habits That Harm Your Kidneys That You Might Be Doing! Must Read!

The Kidneys are one of the vital organs that perform the most important functions in the body. People have to keep them healthy to enable the regulation of bodily processes. Without the kidneys, the body will not be able to perform well and will eventually result in the malfunction of the other organs that are connected to it.

Kidneys are perform waste secretion. They serve as sponges that filter waste inside the body, processing toxins and ensuring the body is free of them. They also help in regulating blood pressure and balancing the water levels inside the body. In addition, kidneys are also helpful in regulating red blood cells as well as the acids present in the body because of metabolism. 

Because of these many functions, it is just reasonable for a person to be aware of how he or she is going to take good care of their kidneys. While one might be aware of the proper medication or maintenance kidneys have to take, one might be not well-informed about the everyday activities that could potentially harm them. There are bad habits that people are unaware of which damage the kidneys.

Here is the list of those possible bad habits which people should start avoiding immediately:

1.) Not Peeing Regularly
- While peeing is a common bodily activity, many people seem to forget its importance. Some people fail to pee for days and this will eventually damage their kidneys. Retaining urine in the bladder might cause renal failure or incontinence.

2.) Less Water Consumption
- In order for the kidneys to function properly, they need a constant supply of water. A person who does not drink enough water will likely have kidney problems. Water is necessary in the process of waste secretion as it flushes out the accumulated toxins in the blood. Failing to drink 12 glasses of water a day could lead to serious health problems.

3.) Too Much Salt Consumption
- Salt is an important component of one’s everyday dietary supplies. The medical field requires a person to have at least 5.8 grams of salt per day. However, just like anything else, too much of one thing can be bad for you. Consuming too much salt will damage one’s kidneys. 

4.) High-doses of Analgesics
- Medication with high-dosage is harmful for the body in general. It damages the kidneys and livers as these two filter waste in the body. Strong analgesics will likely damage these organs if not regulated.

5.) Too Much Protein In Diet
- While consuming protein is essential for the body, eating too much red meat damages the kidneys and could cause kidney diseases. The by-product of protein is ammonia which is a dangerous chemical for the kidneys as it can decrease their ability to function.

6.) Too Much Alcohol Intake
- Alcohol brings in toxins to the body that makes the liver and the kidney find it hard to do their bodily processes. Drinking too much alcohol not only harms the liver but also the kidneys because they have to filter the toxins out. According to different international kidney associations, an effective way of avoiding kidney diseases is to drink in a moderate manner.

7.) Too Much Caffeine Consumption
- Caffeine is a chemical compound that threatens the kidneys. Too much intake of beverages containing high percentage of caffeine will endanger the kidneys and their functions. 

8.) Ignoring Common Symptoms of Infections
- Colds, flu, coughs, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc. are common symptoms of infections acquired by the body. Because of their characteristic of being “common”, many people tend to ignore them. They don’t think of other possible root causes of these symptoms. According to studies, people suffering from kidney diseases are people who have histories of not getting “common” symptoms checked out. Since people usually pay little attention to these symptoms, the root cause might potentially spread all over the body, damaging the kidneys.

It is important to pay attention to and take care of your body. Remember “prevention is better than the cure”.

HEALTH ALERT: Bad Habits That Harm Your Kidneys That You Might Be Doing! Must Read!
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