Exclusive - Here’s The Reason Why You Should Be Careful When Dogs Lick You!

Play time with our dogs is one of the most relaxing things dog owners cherish. People are usually licked by their dogs, and take it as a sign of affection from their furry buddies. 

There are, however, some very serious health hazards involved when they do that.

According to veterinarian Marty Becker, dog mouths can pose an imminent threat to one’s health. In fact, canine mouths can carry and transmit microbes that cause diseases. These can include:

1.) E. Coli – this bacteria is commonly found in a dog’s mouth, and can easily be transferred to the owner. This can cause abdominal cramps, fever, vomiting, and fatigue.

2.) Ringworm – this nasty infection is caused by a fungus that can lead to itchy rashes.

3.) Staphylococcus Aureus – this can be passed on by dogs to humans via licking, and can cause skin boils, food poisoning, and dangerous toxic syndrome.

4.) MRSA – a kiss from your dogs can lead to MRSA germs which cause skin infections like sores and boils

The human body has a natural thick skin membrane that helps defend against unwanted bacteria. However, when one puckers up and comes into contact with a dog’s saliva, pathogens can penetrate the thinner skin membrane found in the mouth which could lead to sickness. 

To sum it up, we should be careful with how dogs lick us, especially on parts of us that have thin skin membranes like the mouth or nose. This way, we can help ourselves from getting unwanted sickness but still keep enjoying the company of our furry buddies.

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