Exclusive - If You Think That The Normal Blood Pressure is 120/80 Then You Are Completely WRONG! FIND OUT WHY!

When you check your blood pressure and the result is 120/80, you may that it your BP status is normal. If it goes beyond that, it means that you have to visit your cardiologist. However, what you are thinking is wrong.

A guideline that was issued by ESC Association just recently revealed that 140 (systolic) over 90 (diastolic) is the new normal.

However, this does not apply to people that has diabetes. Their limit is 130 over 80.

Before, 139/89 is considered as an indication of having high blood. If a person has this case, special medication should be done in order to decrease the blood pressure and avoid the risk of having cardiovascular disease.  

As further studies were done, changes were made to accommodate the results. Therefore, you can now go on to your day without worrying too much when your blood pressure increases a bit beyond 120/80. 

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