Exclusive - MUST SEE: This Fetus Was Caught On Ultrasound Clapping To Parents Who Were Singing A Duet! Is This For Real?!

An amazing video of a fetus was caught during an ultrasound where the baby seemed to be clapping its hands while the parents were singing.

The unborn baby was said to be only 14-week-old and will be "born to perform."

Some netizens had mixed reactions to the video, though:

Karen Adkins said, "That has to be photoshopped. Those hands are too big for a 14 week old unborn baby."

Daniel Paolillo also commented saying, "Cute, but it's obvious the hands came together once, then the image was looped to repeat. Not exactly "clapping along while the parents sing"! Still, awesome that the movement was captured so clearly."

Another netizen commented named Jen Sebar said, "Who cares whether the clap is a hoax or not? I see hands coming together on its own, looks like life to me... So remind me: Why is abortion legal?"

Ashley Nichole said, "Arguing over abortion, what to call an unborn baby (AKA: FETUS,) and it's all over a video that looks incredibly faked!"

Watch the video and tell us what you think!

Source: TNP, Facebook
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