Exclusive - PH Should Not Stop Patrols In South China Sea - SC Associate Justice Antonio Carpio
On the closing ceremony of the ‘last’ war games between the PH and US military forces, the guest of honour was Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonio Carpio.
As the guest of honour, Supreme Court Justice Associate Justice Antonio Carpio, said on Tuesday, October 11, “We have to send patrols to our EEZ.”
He also added, “It is important for naval powers to assert freedom of navigation in the area.”
Carpio said, “There is a provision in the Constitution that the state shall protect its EEZ. The Constitution says the armed forces is responsible for protecting the national territory. Who is the head of the armed forces? The President.”
In addition, Carpio said, "The only way to protect that is to send patrol ships there because if a foreign fishing vessel will poach on our waters in the EEZ. The only way we can stop them is to have a patrol there. There is no other way.”
He explained that if patrols will not continue, Malampaya gas fields may be in danger. The said gas is a vital energy source which is on PH’s 12 nautical miles territorial waters. Billions of pesos worth of fish and poachers will be lost, said Carpio, if patrol ceases.
“I think if you will explain properly, he will understand,” Carpio said.
On his speech last Tuesday, Duterte kept on saying that he will cut ties with US.
However, the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) secures that US and PH to help each other in if attacks on their sovereignty will occur.
Cardio also said, ““There is only one power on earth that can stop the Chinese from poaching in our EEZ. That is the US.”
Carpio also showed the West Philippine Sea’s Map and used it to explain to the marines the historical ruling of the Philippines against China’s claims.
Cardio said to the reporters, "They must know the reason why they are fighting and why they are prepared to give up their lives.”