Exclusive - Pres. Duterte Signed Exec Order To Raise Combat Pay Hike For Soldiers and Cops from P500 to P3,000!

Good news for the entire Armed Forces of the Philippines and uniformed personnel of the Philippine National Police (PNP) as President Rodrigo Duterte just signed Executive Order No. 201 to increase Combat Duty Pay from P500 to P3,000.

Officers and enlisted personnel of the AFP performing combat duties/activities and uniformed personnel of the PNP engaged in actual police operations, as defined in regulations to be issued by the Secretary of National Defense and the National Police Commission, respectively, are entitled to receive Combat Duty Pay. 

However, other uniformed personnel which are not part of AFP and PNP will not be covered by the increase. Furthermore, it states:

Pres. Duterte Signed Exec Order To Raise Combat Pay Hike For Soldiers and Cops from P500 to P3,000!

"The members of the AFP and the uniformed personnel of the PNP who figure directly in actual combat against members of various insurgent, terrorist and lawless elements, shall be entitled to an additional Combat Incentive Pay of Three Hundred Pesos (P300.00) per day, subject to the following conditions:

(a) the operation must be for a specific combat mission that is duly covered by an OPORD or FRAG-O for the AFP or a Mission Order for the PNP;

(b) the personnel involved in combat must be in the published task organization of the AFP OPORD/FRAG-O or the PNP Mission Order; and

(c) the total additional Combat Incentive Pay for each individual shall not exceed Three Thousand Pesos (F3,000.00) per month.

The Combat Incentive Pay shall be over and above the Combat Duty Pay of P3,000.00 for qualified officers and enlisted personnel of the AFP and qualified uniformed personnel of the PNP."

Budget Secretary Benjamin Diokno announced that this would not be the only increase for the AFP and PNP. He is positive that next year, a Php5,000 hike would be possible not just for AFP and PNP but for the other uniformed personnel.
Source: TNP, RachFeed
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