Exclusive - Put This In Your Navel And Relieve Abdominal and Menstrual Pain, Colds and Cough!

Experts around the globe suggest placing alcohol-soaked cotton in the navel to ease abdominal and menstrual pains, and even coughs and colds caused by flu. This simple home remedy is very simple and effective

What you need to do is to soak a swab of cotton with 50% alcohol and place it in the navel. You can secure the cotton in place using a band aid 

For menstrual pain, put the cotton pad inside your navel and gently press your belly button using your hands to relieve the pain. For abdominal pain, do the same procedure but add some salt to the alcohol-soaked cotton.

Put This In Your Navel And Relieve Abdominal and Menstrual Pain, Colds and Cough!
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