Exclusive - Strangers Get To Unhook This Cutie's Bra To Celebrate 'Breast Cancer Awareness' Month! Not Everyone Can Do It!
We are all aware that the number one killer disease in the world is cancer. The type of cancer that women usually acquire is cancer in the breast.
This is why women are always advised to go and see their doctor to have themselves checked so that if there have the symptoms. It also prevents women from further health problems.
October is ‘Breast Cancer Awareness Month’ so there are a lot of campaigns and activities to make women more aware of breast cancer.
The YouTube Channel ‘whatever’ created a very ‘interesting’ challenge which challenges strangers to unlock the bra of a sexy woman. This will let them know if a man can unhook a woman’s bra fast.
As expected, some guys had trouble unhooking the bra. Some guys did it like a boss, in just a matter of seconds. That's some talent over there!
Do you ever wonder how they did it?
Watch the video below!
Source: TNP, Viral4Real