Exclusive - This Baby Fought For His Life And Is Considered The First Ever to Survive This Genetic Disorder! Read Here!
Pipo Caringal shared the story of his little son Alab Caringal for surviving the 4 gene deletion surgery because of Alpha Thalassemia Major. Baby Alab was born after 29 weeks of pregnancy, and at early age, he suffered from this ailment.
A person normally has four genes for alpha globin. In the case of Alpha Thalassemia, one or more genes that control the making of alpha globins either absent or defective. This might cause anemia ranging from mild to severe and is common among people living in Africa, Middle East, China, Southeast Asia and Mediterranean descent.
The story of baby Alab is considered as a true miracle for being the first ever individual here in the Philippines to survive such kind of genetic disorder.
Pipo Caringal shared this story of his own kid to give hope for all the people and families who are currently on the same struggles.