Exclusive - YOU ARE NOT FAT! You're Just Bloated and We Have The Solution!

As the world's standards gets more and more impossible to keep up with, women can't help but strive to achieve that flat tummy. However, there are times where our tummies are so stubborn and just won't get flat even though we haven't had anything yet! Ladies, don't be discouraged! You might just experiencing a bloated stomach. 

This is very common. Some women experience this all the time. But worry not, because these are the culprits and the solution for a bloated stomach!

1) Water
Your body needs water. And the lack of it can actually make you feel bloated. This is because the body would use the stored fluids when they don't get enough supply of water. It is important to complete the prescribed 8 glasses of water per day and 8-10 when you're regularly drinking coffee and alcohol. 

2) Constipation
This is one of the most common causes of bloated stomach. Aside from the feces which can't get out of your body, gas can also be trapped inside giving you that bloated feeling. Eat food which are high in fiber or eat brown rice instead of white. This can help your bowel movement be more regular. 

3) Stress
The digestive system does not work properly if your brain produces too much cortisol or stress hormones. It is important to identify the causes of stress and relax once in a while to get your digestive track to properly function. 

4) Eating
Well, eating per se shouldn't be a problem. But doing it in a quick manner might upset your digestive system! Give your stomach time to break the food down by taking it slow and savoring your food.

5) Carbohydrates
Although this is essential in our daily activities, too much of it can actually make you feel bloated. Try to balance your diet by eating the right amount of carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. 

YOU ARE NOT FAT! You're Just Bloated and We Have The Solution!
Source: TNP, PopcornDaily
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