Exclusive - YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS: Was Bigfoot Spotted In Indonesia? This Video Shows Everything You Need To Know!

Legends and different supernatural stories have been around forever such as the Lochness monster and Big Foot. Though there have always been photos and 'unclear' sightings, nothing has been actually verified as true.

The mythological simian, ape, or homonid-like creature was given the name 'Big Foot.' It was believed to inhabit forests specifically in the Pacific Northwest. American Folklore describes Big Foot as big, hairy, bipedal and a humanoid. 

Lately, a video was seen showing an upright creature, covered with a dark fur and standing up to 8 feet tall!

The sighting was found in Indonesia, where bears or other large furry animals do not exist; thus, making it difficult to mistake the sighting for anything else. The huge creature was seen approaching a waterfall.

However, this video has a low resolution and was just zoomed in. Also, when they recorded this, they may have been a few meters away from the said creature. Many are of the opinion that this is another fake video or a different animal, at best.

Source: TNP , Viral4real

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