[Shocking] First Russia, Now China Warns Its Citizens To Prepare For War

The idea of World War lll has long existed since the attacks of 9/11. It was believed that World War lll would enter into the world between many of the super powers against Iraq, Saudi Arabia and other countries that were believed to be supporting the terrorist activity that took place in 2001. Up to this point, there have not been any hints at a new war. However it has long been discussed that one major incident could easily start up possibly the most cataclysmic war to ever hit planet Earth. China has recently started to prepare as if this war may finally be erupting.

China has officially told their citizens to prepare for the start of World War 3. The call came from the Chinese minister of defense in Chang Wanquan. China has recently vowed to take actions against the 12th of July ruling from the Permanent Court of Arbitration and protect its sovereignty. According to a report after the Brexit deal, China and Russia are believed to become the world's super powers.

World War 3 In The Makeing?

China has begun to focus on their military as well as sovereignty. They have gone as far as challenging Australia by saying that if they step into South China's Sea waters, then this will activate an opportunity to warn and strike. Professors in China has also said that China will not back down and will never submit in situations regarding sovereignty.

Wanquan has indicated that the Chinese public should be educated on national defense because it is currently at risk and could be breached sooner rather than later. He has also warned about offshore security threats and the ability to acknowledge when security is being threatened in general. He has taken the military, police and citizens to prepare for mobilization to defend their sovereignty and territory.

China also has a belief that the United States is purposely stirring up problems in an attempt to exploit the area in the Philippines for their personal benefit. A project has shown that drills are occurring in China that focus on both offense and defense. The war may begin with China and its neighbors, but the United States may soon get involved to back up their allies.


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