[Shocking] Spotted: Giant UFO Leaving Secret Mountain Base Captured On Camera!

UFOs are mysterious objects that we can barely catch a glimpse of, yet we know that they're out there in the sky, studying our world (in case it's Aliens).

These objects have to come from somewhere, we just aren't sure where they hail from. The general idea is that they come from outer space, from distant stars or perhaps they're even stationed somewhere on our solar system (i.e. The moon).

Some speculate that they originate here on our very Earth, hiding in secret bases. However, it doesn't mean that these could be aliens traveling in their super advanced flying saucers, the technology could very well be created by humans. Secret experimental technology hidden from public view, maybe for use in war time or for space travel.

Recently, a mysterious UFO was spotted in Washington Glacier area. The craft seem to be landing or taking off from one of the mountains. Conspiracy theory tell of secret mountain bases scattered around the world.

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