Trending Now - Cat Walks Into University Lecture, Does What Every Student Would Do
We’ve all been there – morning lectures at uni that are so friggin’ boring we can’t help but fall asleep. So when a 21-year-old student Nur Elynna Binti Mohammad Shaharul Hashri from the International Islamic University in Malaysia tweeted a picture of grey chubby cat unapologetically taking a nap on her desk in the middle of one of the lectures, the Internet community reacted – too relatable!
The cat cracked us up as the pictures show the feline all up with her spine straight and ready to learn in the beginning of the class, but 30 minutes later the boredom gets her and she falls for most profound sleep… And seriously, we can’t blame her.
Hashri told Buzzfeed that no one knows who the owner of the cat is, but this knowledge-thirsty furball always hangs out on their university campus.
(h/t: buzzfeed)