Trending Now - Snail Eating Cucumber Sparks Photoshop Battle, Internet Creates Better Love Story Than Twilight
Recently, reddit user phasechange uploaded a photo of a snail eating a cucumber and the Internet has gone crazy since!
A bunch of different reddit users including criticalg, jnoble50, and amsquirrel photoshopped the original photo of the snail and, with combined forces, have created a whole snail story in the comment section! From the snail going on a romantic date to hitting the gym – the users have thought of it all! Check out the whole story with the photoshopped pics below.
More info: phasechange
Dinner for 2
Image credits: Criticalg
4 weeks later…
Image credits: Criticalg
Image credits: jnoble50
Hello darkness, my old friend
Image credits: Criticalg
Delete facebook, hit the gym, lawyer up
Image credits: Criticalg
99 problems but a b*ch ain’t one!
Image credits: Criticalg
The ugly truth
Image credits: AmSquirrel
Image credits: jnoble50