Viral Now - 5 Overlooked Items to Take With You to Camping


Tired of the hustle and bustle of your routine life? Have you considered escaping from your mundane job and just take a break but can’t fit anything into your schedule.

Then camping might be the thing for you. You can go on a satisfying camping over the weekend and come back a revitalized man, ready to work on Monday. Plus, the budget for a walk in the woods is much lower than other holiday options.

Now, if you have decided to go on a camping, first you should get the necessary gears and clothes. Sleeping bags, tents, tarps, ropes, tapes, flashlights etc. are essential things that you most certainly would take with you. However, there are few items that no one considers taking but are actually essential for a proper camping experience.

Here are 5 items that are overlooked when going on a camping vacation.

1. First Aid Kit

First aid kit should be on top of your list of things to take with you in any outing and camping is no exception. However, many forget about it with the prospect of all the excitement in their mind.

The idea of camping brings evokes thoughts of fun and relaxation, so people seldom think of accidents and injuries happening to them.  However, no one can predict accidents and it is always nice to be safe than sorry.

Besides, small bruises and cuts, allergies and other common problems are not unusual in the wilderness. If you have to hike to reach a campsite, blisters on your feet, which are very common, can ruin your experience. Your first aid kits are your best friends in such troubling times. So gather some antiseptic, anti-bacterial ointments, painkillers, aspirins, bandages and burn creams to take with you.  And ladies, be sure to include tampons in your first aid kit.

Do not forget to include hand sanitizers in your kit. Water is always short in camping, so you will have to use the alternative to keep your hands germs free.

2. Ear Plugs

Ear plugs are not the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of camping, so you may not even have thought of taking them with you. But they are essential if you want to enjoy a peaceful sleep.

Camping usually precedes and succeeds other physically demanding activates like hiking, trekking or rafting. You will need to be in your best physical and mental state in order to delightfully complete the challenges posed by such activities. Without a good night’s sleep, you will suffer throughout the ordeal instead of being able to immerse yourself in the adventure.

Without the luxury of your room, you may have a hard time sleeping. Flapping tents, enthusiastic fellow campers singing songs, snores from your neighboring camps, gushing river if you are camped near a river can all produce noises that can keep you awake all night long.

Bringing your earplugs can help you feel more comfortable while sleeping and therefore help you enjoy your trip.

3. Trash Bags

Littering is one of the most serious problems on campgrounds. People tend to come to a place, have a good time and at the end leave a big pile of waste as their footprints. These waste not only destroy the natural beauty of a place but also affect the wildlife living nearby.

Any sensible camper with even a bit of morality and feeling of responsibility towards nature will not want to leave trails of trash behind them. While the intent of most people is to keep camp sites clean, the idea of taking trash bags with them does not come immediately in their mind.

Take large trash bags with you to collect all the garbage that are accumulated during your vacation and then dispose them in proper places.

4. Batteries and Power Banks

Flashlights are one of the first things people pack when they get ready for a vacation into the woods. Given the rather obvious fact that human beings are not capable of seeing in the dark and there will no electricity to aid our sights, flashlights are very handy tools once night falls.

But if the batteries in your lights die, you will lose your sight in the dark. It is therefore always a good idea to keep extra batteries with you as a backup.

Not just flashlights, if you have other electronic devices with you, like GPS or i-pods, always take your charger and power bank with you. Power banks can help you with charging your electronics for a few days, but solar powered power banks are the better options since you can charge them without a power source.

5. Wet Wipes

Among the good things you will not get to enjoy during camping is a good old bath. Unless you are on a riverside campsite, water will be in short supply. Even if you are near a stream, it may be dangerous to enjoy a nice bath in it.

On top of that, as you will be living outside, you will get a lot of dirt and sweat on you. Most people assume that getting dirty is part of camping and do not consider alternatives to bathing. However, just because you can’t take a shower doesn’t mean you should abandon your hygiene.

You can always take wet wipes to clean up without using water. Wipe your face, hands and other body parts to clean them without much fuss.

Camping gives you an opportunity to escape the busy city life and brings you closer to nature. Living in the woods is definitely harder than the luxurious life you may be leading. But it is in that hardship where the excitement lies. And the above-mentioned items, despite not looking all that important at first glance, are in fact necessary for a satisfying camping trip.

Featured photo credit: Pixabay via

The post 5 Overlooked Items to Take With You to Camping appeared first on Lifehack.

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