[Amazing] 25 Things That Are Easier For You To Get Into Than Out Of
Some things in life are really easy to get into. Like really easy. The problem with these things is that quite often they are rather hard to get out of. And sometimes (but not always), this can be a really bad thing. These are 25 Things That Are Easier For You To Get Into Than Out Of.
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Quick sand
So we’re going to start off with something obvious.
Telemarketer databases
Anyone who has had the misfortune of being included in one of these will understand.
Situations that involve potential energy being converted into kinetic energy
In other words, falling. Or more specifically, falling off of things. Really high things…like buildings.
We all want to grow up, but then when we do, we wish we hadn’t.
Any 5th grader will tell you this.
This is basically the extreme version of our last point.
Getting in usually requires paying money. Getting out usually requires re-programming and other therapies.
Especially some of the more hardcore ones.
Keep reading to find out what other addictions made this list.
Sporting events
Everyone seems to enter the stadium in a relatively calm fashion. Exiting the stadium? That’s a different story.
Chinese finger traps
The older you got, the easier it was to get out of.
Death is usually just a one way street.
It’s called interest, and it hates you.
Gym memberships
There have been a few incidences in the last few years of gym memberships being extremely hard to cancel. In some cases, the gym even refused to cancel unless the member had died!
Mexico without a passport
Most of the intense border checks are focused on people going from Mexico to the US and not vice versa.
This one isn’t fun, and it usually requires outside assistance to overcome.
Any conversation with a person holding a clipboard
Especially when they stop you on the street.
Black holes
It’s just physics.
We’ve mentioned cults already, but what exactly falls under the definition of “cult” can be rather vague. Similar to cults, however, scientology requires a lot of financial investment to get into. As usual, that’s something that can be hard to reverse.
Hotel California
As you may know, the end of the song by the Eagles goes, “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!”
This typically depends on how deep it is.
As with most addictions, starting is the easy part.
Bear traps
Even for a human, this would be a challenge.
Speaking of traps, if you are enjoying this list, check out 25 Life Traps That Most People Will Fall Into At One Point Or Another.
Which is why we have alarms.
The mafia
It’s basically a hardcore gang. You have to go through some crazy rituals to get in; you pretty much have to disappear and change your name if you want to get out.
Since unemployment doesn’t look good on resumes, it’s a lot easier to get a new job if you already have a job. So, yes, to get a job…you need a job.