Exclusive - 15 Best Foods That Will Make You Perform Better When You Make Love To Your Partner!

Out fast-paced and busy lives may keep us away from having a healthy lifestyle. Not only that, it might affect how you make love.

If you’re not eating right, you keep consuming alcohol and smoking cigarettes, this can be a reason for your reproductive health to suffer. Menstrual disturbance and erectile dysfunction can be symptoms of this.

However, there’s no need to worry! If you consume these food, this can improve the way you make love to your partner!

1. Corn
- Corn consist of manganese and high in fiber and it can reduce your sugar levels in your body. Which means that your energy levels will improve. Your will endure longer!

2. Pumpkins
- It contains zinc that may increase your testosterone levels which makes males be fired up!

3. Dry fruits
- If you consume dry fruits regularly, it will help increase your reproductive health. 

4. Maca
- It is a fruit that is known in Peru. It came from the radish family and it is a herb known to be an aphrodisiac. It also has vitamin B that provides more energy and lowers your stress levels.

5. Soya Beans
- Soya is a natural hormone booster for females. It has an enzyme called Genistein that may help the organs of women to function during their menopause.

6. Apples
- Apples have Phenylethylamine which gives the organs if the body a boost. You and your partner will be all fired up and blood circulation in your body will be improved. 

7. Brown Rice
- Brown Rice have manganese that is also known to treat a male’s low sperm count.

8. Citrus fruits
- Levels of vitamin C are high in citrus fruits that can help males to increase their sperm count. Not only that, it can shape up your mental focus, mood and stress levels of women will be reduced. 

9. Beans
- It is a natural source of protein. It contains antioxidants, fiber and potassium which are all good for the heart and will make you last long in bed.

10. Coffee
- Drinking coffee will give you benefits BUT you have to consume the right amount. This is not just a stimulant in the right body parts but also the blood flow goes in specific parts of the body which can be good when you are making love.

11. Oatmeal
- Oatmeal can increase men’s testosterone levels which strengthens a male’s manhood. It can also treat barrenness because of the amino acid L-arginine.

12. Red grapes
- It contains antioxidants, vitamins, minerals which gives you so much energy and can improve not just your immune system, but also your reproductive health.

13. Beetroot juice
- Consuming this will increase the red blood cells thus improves the oxygen’s circulation in the body. During love making, especially when you reach the climax, it is better to have a good circulation in the body.

14. Peanut Butter
- Since PB has monosaturated fats, dopamine levels in the brain escalates and this will help you to stay happy. 

15. Bananas
- It contains vitamin B which is good for reproductive health and amino acids such as typtophan which is a good cholesterol that makes a person happy. Bananas are also known for being high in potassium which helps enhance the production of hormones while you make love. 
Source: TNP , Popcorndaily
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