Exclusive - 4-Year-Old Girl Calls Elderly Man 'Old Man'. What Happened Next Will Touch Your Heart!
The elderly are often shunned by younger members of society. The generational gap between the young and the old usually causes a lot of misunderstanding. However, this story will both bridge that gap and make your heart melt at the same time.
4-year-old Norah was buying cupcakes for her birthday with her mother, Tara Wood, when she encountered an elderly man. She happily exclaimed “Hi old person! It’s my birfday [sic] today!” Tara was visibly embarrassed by her child’s unfiltered outburst but the old man’s reaction immediately put her at ease.
“Well hello little lady! And how old are you today?” He answered.
After chatting for a few minutes, the old man greeted Norah a happy birthday and they each went their separate ways. After a while, Norah asked her mother if she could have her picture taken with the old man. Tara approached him and asked.
“A photo? With me? He asked, confused.
“Yes, suh, for my birfday! [sic]” Norah begged.
He delightfully obliged, placing the little girl’s hand in his own as a bright smile spread across his wrinkled face.
Tara thanked him afterwards and asked what his name was.
“No, thank YOU. This has been the best day I’ve had in a long time. You’ve made me so happy.” He said, tears of joy welling up in his eyes.
He said his name was Dan and, little did they know, that day was the start of a beautiful friendship.
Afterwards, Tara posted the story on social media. She received a private message later that night from a woman who claimed to recognize Dan.
It turns out Dan’s wife recently passed away in March, which left him incredibly lonely. The woman told Tara that she was certain Dan appreciated the kindness Norah had shown him. Tara asked for Dan’s number and contacted him soon after.
Tara and Norah then paid Dan a visit. He lived in a quaint home, surrounded by memorabilia that reminded him of his deceased wife. The mother and child spent almost 3 hours with him. Norah drew a few pictures that Dan wanted to hang on his fridge. They eventually parted ways, but not before Dan gave Norah a rose he cut himself from his porch. Norah keeps the rose in a Ziploc bag as a reminder of her elderly friend.
They still keep in touch. Tara and Norah usually visit Dan every week. They even agreed to meet on Thanksgiving. In fact, after a recent visit from Norah, Dan said “Norah has healed me.”
Tara was deeply touched by Dan’s comments. “That left me speechless and my cheeks wet with tears.” She said.
This heart-warming story proves that a kind word to a stranger can yield unexpectedly beautiful results.