Taking a bath is probably considered as a “must-do” in your eevryday life. But here’s a twist: there are actually a set of Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to taking a bath. As crazy as it sounds, ignoring these rules can lead to several issues such as hair fall, dry skin, and even body odors! So before you indulge yourself in that really nice cold shower, you might want to check this out!
1. Stop scrubbing too much
Scrubbing certainly gives the feel of being dirt-free, but here’s a myth buster, the more you exfoliate your skin, the more chances that you’ll ruin it. The top layer of our skin are sensitive, so the more you expose it to scrubbing, the more you’ll surrender your skin to having different infections. Yikes! Make it a habit to only exfoliate once a week!
2. Clean the scrubber property
You should know, and accept that dipping your scrubber won’t make it clean. Kill your lazy days for just a minute or 2 to give it a good scrub. Imagine, you’re using a dirty old scrubber on your skin that is already being inhabited by different bacterias, eew!
3. Never wax or shave before you shower
Drop that shaving cream now! It’s never a good practice to wax or to shave before you shower. You’re opening your pores before you expose yourself to water, and this may lead to having a dry and dull skin that is almost comparable to Sahara Desert.
4. Applying too much soap ain’t good
There is a satisfaction in covering your entire body with bubbles. However, too much soap isn't good. Soap tends to absorb natural oil and dust, and too much soap can lead to having a dry, dull and lifeless skin! Keep the radiance on with this hack - only use soap in the oily parts of your body (feet, face, groin, armpits, etc)
5. Don’t shower immediately after working out
Here’s a thing: everyone craves for a good shower after working out. Everyone just wants to escape the smelly and sticky situation after running, or carrying weights, but don’t you know that showering after workouts could leads to sickness like colds and coughs? Yes, this means, no gym day at all for you.
6. Don’t use your towel for too long
Women loves wrapping their locks after taking a bath, but there are times where in we just leave them in our head to dry. Using towels for too long could dehydrate your skin and could lead to hair loss, yikes!
7. Use deodorant and anti-bacterial soap as less as possible
Who doesn’t love using products that give a really nice scent after we shower? However, using anti-bacterial soaps and deodorant the moment we stepped out of the shower can cause itching, flakiness and even dry skin. Your skin may even start aging prematurely!
8. Conditioning your hair after shampooing
This is certainly one habits that all girls will have a hard time breaking. Just like our skin, our hair get’s dull and dry everytime we wash it. Shampoo locks down it’s natural oil and backing it up with conditioner will leave it lifeless. Don’t be a fool for false advertisements! It’s important to have a healthy hair rather than making it just look glossy when it’s really screaming out for help.
9. Applying moisturizer after showering is a must
No one wants to have a Sahara Desert for a skin. Too much showering can lose your skin’s moisture, and might give you unwanted cracks, yikes! To keep your skin nourished and dehydrated, wait for 3 minutes before applying a moisturizer!