Exclusive - Corona Beer Owner Leaves A Million At His Small Village And Made Everybody Rich!
Antonio Fernandez, the founder and CEO of Grupo Modelo, owner of Corona Beer, leaves a legacy for all of his beloved village people after giving them 2.5 million each for about 80 residents.
When he moved in Leos, the northern part of Spain, he met his wife Cinia Gonzalez Daez. After marriage, Daez's uncle, who happened to be the owner of Grupo Modelo, invited them to move in Mexico and work for his company.
When he died August of this year, he left something useful for evryone in his hometown. He allegedly gave every villager a millions each, but villagers said the fairy tale was false. The millions were given to his own family, mostly extended family.
'It's simply not true, unfortunately,' Lucia Alaejos of Fundacion Cerezales Antonino y Cinia told The Local in Spain.
However, people of that small province are still grateful for all his charitable works.