Exclusive - Did Nostradamus Really Predicted Donald Trump's Presidency Hundred Years Ago as The Anti-Christ Who Would Trigger World War III? READ HERE!
Many were shocked when they found out that the TV series "The Simpsons" predicted the presidency of Donald Trump who had recently won over the Democratic Party's candidate, Hillary Clinton. However, some netizens say that a man named Nostradamus predicted the same scenario even before all of us were born! His real name is Michel de Nostredame and lived as a French philosopher during the 16th Century. He was known to have predicted events hundreds of years before they happen. He compiled it in a book entitled "Les Prophecies (The Prophecies). He published the first one in the year 1555 with 353 quatrains, the second edition in the year 1557 with 289 verses and the third edition in 1558 with 300 quatrains.
Some of his best-known predictions were The Great Fire of London in 1666, the French Revolution in 1789, the rise of Adolf Hitler, and even the 9/11 Terror Attacks. But one part of his predictions caught the attention of many as it closely describes the victory of Trump and is believed to cause World War III in the long run as he predicted.
It says: The false trumpet concealing madness
will cause Byzantium to change its laws.
From Egypt there will go forth a man who wants
the edict withdrawn, changing money and standards.
The trumpet shakes with great discord.
An agreement broken: lifting the face to heaven:
the bloody mouth will swim with blood;
the face anointed with milk and honey lies on the ground.
Arthur Evans explained the passage saying that Byzantium refers to the ancient name of Istanbul in Turkey which Trump recently took an aggressive position against.
"Someone has betrayed him, so now, he is enraged. In the name of religion, he talks blood and ends up swimming in it. What is the land of ‘milk and honey’? It is, obviously, Israel — he’s described his intentions of being a ‘neutral broker’ between Israel and Palestine. The last line indicates to what he said about his big show of friendship and dirt he received in return for his efforts,” Evans said.
What do you think?
Source: TNP, EliteEReaders