Exclusive - Guy Spends Thousands Of Dollar To Meet His 'Goddess' Online Girlfriend! What He Finds Out Once They Meet Up Is Unbelievable!

Huang, a man from the north-eastern part of Harbin, China, was quickly mesmerized upon seeing the photo of Xiaojin on social media. With her rosy-white skin, pleasant-looking face, alluring eyes and a sweet smile, Huang was charmed.

Soon, Huang and Xiaojin contacted each other through WeChat and constantly talked. They later agreed to meet in person.

Guy Spends Thousands Of Dollar To Meet His 'Goddess' Online Girlfriend! What He Finds Out Once They Meet Up Is Unbelievable!

However, after spending thousands of dollars to meet the girl who mesmerized him online, Huang ended up disappointed. Xiaojin looked very different from her photos online and Huang felt cheated.

Contrary to her photos, her face was riddled with acne and looked to be twice as big.

"You can't be (real name withheld), right? How can there be such a huge difference?" he asked in disbelief, trying to supress his anger.

"It's me. It's just that the photo had been edited and I was wearing makeup. This is my bare face," she admitted using Mei Tu, a mobile application, to edit her photos.

Their argument later turned violent when he beat her up in public. She suffered bruises on her arms. When the authorities came to meddle, the two then agreed to leave what happened behind them.

Huang then returned home, disappointed and broke.

Guy Spends Thousands Of Dollar To Meet His 'Goddess' Online Girlfriend! What He Finds Out Once They Meet Up Is Unbelievable!
Source: TNP , Elitenewsfeed
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