Exclusive - President Duterte Quotes Christ in His Statement: 'Shun Greed, Materialism!'

President Duterte stays true to his word during the campaign as he once again expressed his hatred for corruption and greed. He appealed to Filipinos to have the same hatred for these acts and stated that government officials should be 'true servants' and work for the interest of the people. He gave the statement for the All Saint's Day and All Souls' Day celebration, noting that all things come to pass and that "deeds will outlast our mortal lives."

“No amount of success, power or position can ever compensate for the greed and corruption of human character,” President Duterte said.

“I, therefore, ask my fellow workers in government and the entire Filipino people to heed not the temptations of the temporal world. Let us, rather, answer the call to be true servant leaders.”  He added.

He also cited Jesus Christ and said: “Truly, Christ was right in asking the question: ‘for what does it profit a man to gain the whole world yet forfeit his own soul?’”

“Let us accumulate riches, not for ourselves, but for future generations and for the life that comes after,”

“I hope that we cherish with fondness, love and gratitude the spiritual inheritance left by our ancestors and loved ones on their special day. May the nation receive the blessings of God, as we exalt and emulate the holy men and women whose lives have inspired generations.” He exclaimed. 

President Duterte Quotes Christ in His Statement: 'Shun Greed, Materialism!'
Source: TNP, PhilStar

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