Exclusive - Simon Cowell Noticed That This Girl Looks Different, But He Was Shocked When She Opened Her Mouth and Sang

Again, another girl proves to us that disabilities are never hard enough to make us stop trying to achieve our dreams. 

Rion Page was a 13-year old contestant on X Factor. She was diagnosed with a rare disease called arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, which is the reason why her wrist joints are bent awkwardly. 

This differences, however, certainly did not stop Rion from flooring the X Factor judges. Even Simon Cowell, the much-feared judge of American Idol and X Factor, was stunned by the child's voice when she began to sing. 

“It’s not me to hold her back,” Rion’s mom Alisa said after the performance. “It’s for me to give her every opportunity and say, ‘It’s your time to fly, baby.’”

Rion then proceeded to become a crowd favorite of the show's 2013 season. 
Let us be inspired by Rion's story!

Source; TNP, Littlethings

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