
Exclusive - This is How You Live in Outer Space. WATCH HERE!

While we all dream of being able to explore the galaxy, walk on the moon and visit Mars, we probably do not have any idea what it's like to be up there except from the fact that there's no gravity. While we tend to see this fact as a supernatural, Col. Chris Hadfield brings us the realest scenarios in the space!

In the video, he shared how wringing a soaked washcloth wouldn't be possible. Clipping nails should be in the air duct to avoid the nails from flying around the room. Well, crying wouldn't feel like it as well as tears wouldn't fall. Brushing your teeth in space? You got to swallow the toothpaste to get rid of it! 

In eating, there are customized packaged food to eat in space. Sandwiches made with tortillas instead of bread to avoid crumbs. Mixed nuts have to have extra foil made with easy-open mechanism and vegetables come in dehydrated packs as well. A special soapy water is used for washing hands made special so you wouldn't need a towel after rubbing your hands. 

Lastly, sleeping is done in tethered sleeping bags inside little sleeping compartments. The compilation was done in cooperation with The Canadian Space Agency. It went extremely viral and garnered over 418k reactions, 660k shares and 74 Million Views!

Watch the video below:

Source: TNP, Facebook
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