Exclusive - A Wild Student Threatens And Abuses A Teacher While His Classmates Watch And Laugh! HORRIBLE!

It isn’t uncommon for teachers to become abusive towards their students. But now, the shoe is on the other foot.

This video, taken in 2011, features a bunch of unruly American high school students causing chaos inside a classroom. When their teacher tried to calm them down, she was threatened and verbally-abused. One student even tried throwing a chair at her. 

Despite the threats and abuse, the teacher kept her cool but stayed cautious.

The other students did nothing to prevent the abuse, some of them even laughed as it happened.

The incident occurred at the Chicago Vocational Career Academy and was filmed using a cell phone. 

Teachers being abused by their students are unable to fight back for fear of losing their jobs. 


Source: TNP , Wereblog

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