[Interesting] The Five-Finger Test You Can Use To Diagnose Your Diabetes Risk In Under A Minute
Americans had diabetes. Of that approximate 29 million, only 21 million were diagnosed, with the remaining left undiagnosed. Approximately $245 billion is spent on diagnosing diabetes every year.
If you have prediabetes, you should know that it can lead to potential harmful condition for your heart and circulatory system.
But, there is another way to diagnose prediabetes. The following steps are a short guide that will help you diagnose this condition in less than 1 minute with the help of your fingers and by answering some simple questions.
Once you are finished with this test, you should determine how many fingers you are holding up. In case there are five or more fingers, then you are probably dealing with prediabetes. The self-diagnosis we are promoting here is linked to the factors that contribute to the development of diabetes. Although it is not completely precise, many experts suggest that this is a great way to measure the risk of diabetes.
In case you determine that you are prediabetic with the help of this test, you must take a blood test to find out how prone you are to developing diabetes. If you are at high risk, start making changes in your lifestyle right away in order to regulate blood sugar levels.
Healthy Care Group
If you have prediabetes, you should know that it can lead to potential harmful condition for your heart and circulatory system.
- Pre-diabetes symptoms
- Severe thirst
- Increased urination
- Chronic fatigue
- Fast weight loss
- Increased appetite
- Vision problems
- Sores that heal very slowly or don’t heal at all.
But, there is another way to diagnose prediabetes. The following steps are a short guide that will help you diagnose this condition in less than 1 minute with the help of your fingers and by answering some simple questions.
- Hold up one finger in case you are a man and don’t hold up any fingers is you are a woman.
- Hold up one finger in case your are older than forty, two fingers in case you are over fifty, three fingers if you are over sixty and none in cases you are younger than 40 years.
- Hold up one finger if you think that you are not very physically active and none in case you think that you get enough exercise.
- Hold up one finger in case someone in your family is dealing with diabetes and don’t hold up any fingers in case any of them has such problems now or in the past.
- Hold up one finger if you are dealing with hypertension and none if your blood pressure is stable and normal.
- Hold up three fingers in case you are obese, two fingers in case you are overweight, one finger if you are just a little bit overweight and none in case you have normal body weight.
Once you are finished with this test, you should determine how many fingers you are holding up. In case there are five or more fingers, then you are probably dealing with prediabetes. The self-diagnosis we are promoting here is linked to the factors that contribute to the development of diabetes. Although it is not completely precise, many experts suggest that this is a great way to measure the risk of diabetes.
In case you determine that you are prediabetic with the help of this test, you must take a blood test to find out how prone you are to developing diabetes. If you are at high risk, start making changes in your lifestyle right away in order to regulate blood sugar levels.
Healthy Care Group