
Trending Now - I Create Guardians Of The Forest Inspired By Miyazaki

I am Emily Coleman, the creator of the Arbori. The Arbori are fantastic creatures of all shapes and sizes that blend in with the various landscapes of the planet. Upon their initial discovery, it was believed that the Arbori only took the form of trees. This is where they got the title “Arbori”, the latin word for “trees”. It was later discovered that the Arbori take on the forms of many plants but the original name stuck.

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In 2008, I sculpted the original Arbori, which I called “The Forest Spirit” (now “The Summer Dragon”). This piece was originally created as an experiment in texture, drawing inspiration from Miyazaki films. The completed piece was very popular and spurred a series based off the seasons.

I have a very strong passion for the environment and the protection of the world’s forests. As I began showing my tree dragons, I realized they could help me spread this passion. The tree dragons became guardians of the forest, keeping out all that seek to harm it. The dragons are linked symbiotically with the forests they protect and share the same life force. The Arbori were born from this concept.

My original works are created with Sculpey and Apoxie. My cast pieces are sculpted in Monster Clay, molded with silicone, and cast in urethane resin. I make my own molds and casts and hand paint all of my own pieces.

More info: emilysculpts.storenvy.com | Instagram

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