
Viral Now - A 20 Minute Morning Routine to Boost Your Moral for the Day


The modern lifestyle of an ordinary person has become quite stressful. We all live fast-paced lives and the fact that we can now do more things in less time hasn’t made us less busy. This is because the average person living in the 21st century wants it all, and everybody has the right to want it all. We all want to be able to work, make money, have a hobby, focus on our relationships, and many other things in life.

There are so many things to be done and it is often difficult to finish all the things that we planned for a certain day. This is why we try and do as much as we can to make each of our days as productive as possible. One of the most important things for achieving daily success is waking up in the morning and motivating ourselves to be as good as possible during the rest of the upcoming day.

With a good morning routine you can set the stage for a productive and satisfying day and you don’t even have to put in a lot of effort. With this 20 minute morning routine you can start off every day feeling fresh and positive, but you should first make sure that you get enough sleep and establish healthy sleeping patterns.

Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up (1 minute)

Refreshing Ice Cold Water with Lemon

You might already know that it’s good to drink around two liters of water every day to keep yourself hydrated and give the body the necessary fluids needed for all functions and chemical reactions to keep running smoothly. However, did you know that drinking a cold glass of water in the morning has a lot of positive benefits as well?

When you drink water on an empty stomach right after you get up in the morning you will purify your system. Water makes our skin healthier as it removes toxins that we have in our blood and it can make our skin look younger and glowing. By having this morning ritual you can also balance out your lymph system, which helps us fight off infections. Additionally, the lymph glands also regulate fluids in our body.

It’s even better if you squeeze a couple of drops of fresh lemon juice into your water, as you will get the necessary vitamin C our body craves in the morning. Drinking a glass of cold water with a bit of lemon juice is a much better option than drinking lots of coffee on an empty stomach; save coffee for after breakfast.

Turn some music on (1 minute)


As soon as you’ve had your refreshing cold water with a lemon twist, turn on some music you enjoy and get your blood to start flowing through your body. Music is a powerful tool, and if used right it can motivate you and give you the necessary energy boost you need at the very start of your day. It can wake you up almost instantaneously. You should consider setting your alarm to be your favorite song, so that you can wake up with a smile on your face.

Even if you are in a bad mood, listening to music can immediately make you break the negative chain of thought and forget about the difficulties that bother you. It is good to follow up your whole morning ritual with music and simply make the whole thing seem more natural and less of an obligation that “must be done”. If you are that kind of person, you can even sing along with your favorite music and enjoy a little morning dance.

Open your windows (2 minutes)


One of the best ways of telling yourself that sleep time is over and that you need to focus on your daily goals is by smelling some fresh air and gazing at the sun through your wide open windows. Our body and mind have a positive natural reaction to sunlight, so you will feel refreshed and get the necessary energy you need to start your day like a boss.

Just stand on your window and simply soak in the freshness of the air and the warmth of the sun no matter if it’s winter or summer; in fact, it’s even better during winter, as you probably won’t be seeing the sun as much the rest of the day, and the air will be even fresher. Sit still for a couple of minutes and don’t think about anything really, just gaze into the new morning and you will get all the motivation you really need.

Make your bed (1 minute)

For a lot of us the moments after we get up from bed are usually followed by negativity and laziness. But with this simple ritual you can immediately change these things. A lot of us don’t make our beds when we get up because we feel like it’s not that important and there is no real reason for doing it right away. Oh, but there is a good reason.

You need to start your every day with a small victory and no matter how small it may seem, making your room look good as soon as you get up can set the ground for other, bigger victories during the rest of your day.

Do some quick stretches (2 minutes)


You might think that this is a quite obvious morning routine everybody knows about, and although this might be true, only a small number of people really do some stretches when they get up from bed. If it’s difficult for you to do them when you get up, you can even do some simple leg and arm stretches while you are still lying in bed.

On the other hand you can twist your body on the floor or do whatever stretch exercises you like. There are no real rules how you should do this, as long the point of your exercise is stretching. Your body has been in slumber for the past seven or eight hours and you also need to make an effort to wake it up and tell it, it’s show time.

This will only take a couple of minutes of your time, but it will mean a lot. If this is really boring to you try doing stretches as a part of the dance you like to do when listening to music in the morning.

Bathroom time (4 minutes)

Once you’ve done some stretches and warmed up your body, it’s time to splash your face with some cold water and brush your teeth. I think that we all understand the benefits of these things; not only are they important for our hygiene and health, but they can also make us feel better about ourselves and get the necessary confidence boost at the start of the day.

Make sure that you wash your face with cold water, as you will instantly feel more awake and ready to tackle all the challenges that come your way. Additionally, take care of your biological needs to get rid of all the toxins your body has processed and accumulated during the night.

Take a minute to make yourself look good (5 minutes)

Man in bathroom applying cosmetics on his face

As a guy, I know that we also do care about how we look and that women are not the only ones who take some time in the morning to make themselves look better. Of course, we don’t take as much time but still, it is important that you go out of your home feeling pretty. Like it or not, we all want others to like our appearance and this is only natural.

There are numerous studies that show how our confidence is boosted when we take at least 5 minutes in the morning to take care of our grooming. Do these simple things like groom your beard if you have one, take care of your hair, wash your face with apple cider vinegar to treat acne or anything else that doesn’t take a lot of your time.

Remember, if you are going to work you don’t have to look like a model, but you do need to look presentable and somewhat fashionable.

Set your goals for the day (4 minutes)


There are a lot of small rituals and habits you can create In order to help you overcome procrastination and become consciously active on doing important tasks and achieving daily goals regularly. Don’t overdo it, just create a simple list of the most important goals you have to achieve during that day.

The goal with this habit is to create a small list of a few simple and actionable tasks that will have a great long-term impact on achieving your more complex goals and changing your life for the better, no matter if it’s work related, education or health related, or relationship goals.

If you feel more comfortable, write those goals before you go to bed and reflect on them in the morning, which can give you a bit more time for grooming. Think about what needs to be done, how to do it, and motivate yourself to finish what you’ve started. Look at the things you wrote and focus on them before heading out of your home.

These are the short morning rituals I like to do every day. They’ve helped me motivate myself and now I find it easier to deal with all the issues life throws at me on a daily basis. With a bit of effort you can also create short morning rituals that suit you. If you have some of your own rituals that work, feel free to share your techniques and experiences and help others motivate themselves to the fullest!

The post A 20 Minute Morning Routine to Boost Your Moral for the Day appeared first on Lifehack.

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