
Viral Now - 5 Expert Tips All Nursing Students Should Know


The nursing industry is changing, and much of this has to do with the growth in the industry. This has forced the profession to adapt to the growing trends by offering more courses, better technology and ways to accommodate those entering the industry very soon.

Even though the transition has been efficient, you still have some issues which are costing taxpayers millions of dollars. For example, future students are simply having problems with the workload, dealing with the practical examination or even communicating with other colleagues. Though these might seem like major problems, you have the luxury of knowing they can be solved easily by making a few adjustments in your life.

The expansion of the internet has helped us understand the nursing industry better, and others have written extensively about the common problems. These same people provide us with practical tips and/or advice to help us become more comfortable in the medical environment.

Today, we’ll be exploring the 5 best pieces of advice for future nursing students.

1. Stay Organized Always

In nursing, it’s important to stay organized from day one because you’ll have several things you’ll be required to do. The only way you’ll learn all of them is by staying organized and creating a systematic way of doing each of them. The more systematic the process, the easier you’ll learn how to accomplish everything on your agenda.

I’ve known many people in the nursing industry, and one thing they complain about is NOT knowing how to take care of the tedious tasks. I asked a professional nurse why this is the case, and she stated: “you must stay organized so even the tedious stuff seems to be well-organized”. I thought about this statement for a while and realized we create a cluttered environment so can unclutter too.

Going forward use a paper or electronic calendar to keep track of all your assignments. Use the same tool to keep track of your schedule so you don’t miss any of the important training or meetings. At this point, we all have mobile phones and can download handy apps to help us keep track of all the above. If during a training session you are learning something which you think you’ll forget, then use a voice app on your phone to create a “note” or “review sheet” for yourself. The main objective for you is to stay organized as soon as you enter the profession.

2. Ask A lot of Questions

In this industry, you’ll be responsible for many people especially those with sensitive health concerns. We all know when it comes to health that you must know what to do the first time around. A small error will be catastrophic so you need to make sure you are on point always. In nursing, if you don’t know something then ask a lot of questions because there are people who will help. Some people on the floor are there to help you learn while you perform sensitive health duties.

When you don’t understand, it’s important to ask right away so you don’t forget. If you can’t ask then & there, you should write down your questions so you can ask them later.

3. Know Material Before Hand

When you get involved in a professional career like legal, medicine, or even architecture, it’s important that you know the material beforehand. This is especially true since you have so much of it available online for free. I’m surprised at the amount of people who don’t take the time to research online and find the study guides available. By studying ahead of time, you are becoming familiar with the material and know what to expect going forward. Head over to Google and do a quick search with the following –

  • certified nursing assistants
  • nursing examinations
  • free CNA practice test
  • cna study material
  • what to expect in nursing school?

All of the above search queries will help you find the right material that will prepare you before entering the profession. The more you are familiar with, the less anxiety you’ll feel when in the environment.

4. Learn from Your Mistakes

If you keep making the same mistakes, you’ll have a hard time surviving in an intense industry. However, if you take the time to learn from your mistakes, you’ll do the job right which can be very gratifying. The good news in the nursing profession, you’ll have no shortage of people willing to help you out. They rely on a great network of people to make sure the job gets done right so are more than willing to help you correct your mistakes.

I’ve often heard that nurses are like a big family which has your back, provide support, and help answer any questions you have along the way.

5. Great Network of People Around You

In nursing, you’ll only succeed when you have great people around you. You should surround yourself with people willing to help you understand the profession, and provide support during your tough days. However, when I thought about the concept of “networking with people”, I realized it’s the same no matter what profession you’re involved in…right? It doesn’t matter if you’re a lawyer, nurse, businessman, etc because you need a strong network of people around you to guide you through the tough days.

I think you should make it your priority to connect with others in your class or the floor so you have a bunch to rely on if things get hectic. These same people should answer your common questions, help you every day, and understand the stresses associated with being a nurse.

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