Viral Now - 5 Interesting Ways To Get A Salary Increase Or Get Other Perks And Benefits


Ever wanted to get a salary increase or other perks and benefits just by doing something which most people don’t do? Well, there are ways you can get salary increases without actually outperforming your colleagues or even praising your boss.

Here are 5 interesting ways to get a salary increase or get other perks and benefits.

1. Use Hair Extensions

This one may seem funny, but you may easily get a salary increase by using hair extensions during your work hours. This research study specifically looked at the impact of using hair extensions on salary increase and the results were really amazing. Researchers found that women working in catering and administrative jobs received significant salary boosts just by using hair extensions during their official working hours. It may seem farfetched, but you might be surprised by the results you get just from adding some hair extensions to your look.

2. Ask for extra or free merchandise

There are lot of companies out there that give free merchandise to their employees — these are products which are unsold at the end of a sales period. Surplus inventory can mean incentives in the form of getting free stuff. You might get lucky if your employer deals in groceries or stuff which is used in everyday life. It can greatly reduce your total grocery and other bills if you can just lay your hands on some of those surplus goods.

3. Choose different shifts to work

If you happen to work in an industry which offers round-the-clock services, your chances of getting pay increases can be improved by opting for unusual shift timings. Shift differentials can greatly work in your favor if you are ready to work at odd times, such as late at night.

Doing these kinds of shifts on weekends can mean greater pay as most employees take their usual days off on the weekends and employers face serious shortages of employees to work at those odd times during the weekends.

4. Get training

Good companies offer training not only in your own domain but in other domains of your work also. There are some routine training courses which are offered by many companies and businesses, however some companies offer extra training opportunities just to motivate their employees. Hiring and retaining employees is costly, especially for small businesses, and they try their best to retain their employees and to keep them motivated.

So, talk to your manager about footing the bill for some extra training to enhance your skills. This is a nice way to get compensated for your work.

5. Offer to train others to get reduced working hours

If you are on a project which is broken down into speciality and other less important areas, offer to train others to do the speciality jobs and negotiate a reduced work week. Just like this lady, you can easily offer your extra services and get a reduced work week to do some other jobs or part time business. Reduced working hours at the same pay can be a great source of earning as well as motivation, so don’t miss out on the opportunity.

You can easily get perks, benefits, and salary increases in more creative ways that free up more of your time or allow you to do the things you love most. Always be creative and polite when asking for these kinds of perks and benefits. And here’s a final tip for you: never ask for a pay raise or other perks via email or phone. Always request face-to-face meetings. This will show your employer that you are confident and take the matter seriously, while still respecting their time and decisions.

Featured photo credit: The Extra Income Project via

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