Viral Now - 5 Keys to Everyday Success

Daily Success

“People who succeed at the highest level are not lucky; they’re doing something differently than everyone else.” -Tony Robbins

In a world full of influences beyond our control that have the potential to hold us back, there are things that you can do every day to impact the success present in your life.

With media messages that are distracting and unhelpful to your goals, with people bringing you down, and even messages saying you can’t win so often occurring, there are things that you can do every day to impact your mind and your reality to attain the success that you are after.

By applying the following daily success tips you will be able to fill your mind with positivity, turn away from the negatives in a way only to enhance who you are and who you will become. The success in your life is yours for the taking.

The following are the 5 tips to everyday success:

1. Nourish your mind

Every day, fill your mind with positive information that challenges you and forces you to grow. This means getting away from the Facebook and Twitter feeds that are complaining or gossiping. Even the daily news can be toxic to your success as it focuses on things that are wrong in the world rather than the things that are positive and inspirational.

Make it a habit where you spend 15 minutes to an hour every day digesting information that is going to be useful to your success and will help you to become a better person. There are plenty of success books out there, find one that sparks your interest and awakens your mind each day.

2. Stimulate your body

Take time each day to push your body so that it will be able to further support you in your goals. Our mind and body are one in that stress, fear, and even some physical trauma is stored in the body. By doing something strenuous you get the opportunity to exercise and exert these opposing forces.

Whether it is taking a run in the morning, doing yoga, or going to the gym after work, do something for your body. I have run every morning since I was 14. Making this a daily habit was challenging, but I can’t not do it now. Take the time to take care of your body and it will take care of you and your success.

3. Find a role model

There are people all over the world who are doing or who have done exactly what you would like to accomplish or something similar. If you don’t know of these people yet or you don’t have a role model go out there and find one. They will help show you ways of becoming an even better you.

People like Tony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle, Brene Brown, Steve Jobs, and Gary Vaynerchuck are all knowledgeable examples of success that you can learn from. Pick someone that you resonate with and absorb their information to learn what they do so that you can improve what you are capable of.

4. Take action

Our rewards come only from the actions that we take. Someone once told me that there is no such thing as luck, but when you start taking massive action then one feels a whole hell of a lot luckier. The action is and will be the key to your success.

The only reason why others are having the success that you are not is because of the action they are taking. In the long-term, the sustainable success that you will find is going to come from the actions you take. Get out there and start somewhere and make that first step towards your success.

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” -Martin Luther King Jr

5. Give back to others

On your journey towards success, you will come to realize that it is about more than just you. It will be a lonely and uncompelling fight for you if you are only fighting for your prosperity alone. However, when the purpose becomes larger than yourself, this is a battle you are driven to win.

Take the time to help others who are less fortunate than yourself. Life is above giving and when you realize that we all have more than enough, then our hearts grow in the act of helping other people. You will be amazed at just how good you can feel when you give to someone else with no expectation of getting something back in return.

In any great success story, there were thousands of things getting in the hero’s way. Life will not be without obstacles and you will have to earn your way to true success. I wouldn’t want it any other way.

True success that is just given or handed to a person will go unappreciated and will be taken for granted. If, however, you change your mind, change your life, and impact the world around you then you will know a life which few only know and many dream of.

Taking these steps and making them part of your daily routine will change your environment and put you in a position of giving yourself the positive resources and tools necessary to becoming that person of success that you imagine yourself to be.

One of the most common things that I find among people is that they have the hardest time making success a daily habit for themselves. Don’t be part of this group who knows all about success, but fails to implement it in their life.

Success or failure in life depends on you and you alone.

What is stopping you from bringing success into your life?

Featured photo credit: Nicolas Cool via

The post 5 Keys to Everyday Success appeared first on Lifehack.

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