
Viral Now - 5 Natural Ways to Lose Face Fat and Become Much Prettier

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Having excess weight is one of the ways that one’s confidence can easily drop. Young girls who are dealing with weight issues have a lot of other problems they face, such as being bullied at school and thus losing self-confidence at a very young age.

Even adults experience self-esteem problems due to being overweight. Excess weight has effects on not just your body but your face too. It can cause your face to be oily, give you a double chin and bags under your eyes; it can also affect your hair.

There are natural ways that you can lose weight, and in return, your face becomes more structured and more defined. A good diet plan can help you lose weight, not only on your body but on your face too.

Excess weight affects your looks

1. Oily skin and Acne Breakouts

When you are overweight, you tend to experience acne outbreaks. Overweight teenagers are more likely to get acne, and this is linked to the overproduction of sebum – an oily semi-fluid element that is responsible for making our skin and hair softer and lubricated. Excess sebum production in obese people is caused by the overproduction of hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. Eating a lot of fat and sugar also contribute to the excess sebum which leads to an acne outbreak. The link between acne and diet exists, although diet is not the ultimate cause.

2. An Embarrassing Double Chin:

A double chin can be embarrassing no matter how old you are. It is caused by some factors, and excess fat is one of them. A double chin happens when an internal layer of fat sags around the neck area forming a wrinkle.

Foods that are high in saturated fat are the usual suspects for weight gain. Saturated fat causes fat to form around your body because of the raised cholesterol levels which lead to clogged arteries.

3. Hair Loss and Unhealthy hair:

Fatty foods have a direct relationship with how your looks. When you eat food with a lot of sugar, excess sebum gets produced. This not only leads to oily skin but an oily hair too. Your body needs certain vitamins and minerals for healthy hair and skin. Hair needs vitamins A, B, and E; which promote healthy hair and skin. Eating unhealthy foods means you will not get enough of these vitamins. Hormonal imbalance caused by obesity also makes hair start thinning, which leads to hair loss.

4. A Puffy Face

Putting on some weight will be visible in your face as the face tends to stretch. Weight gain means fluid retention and this fluid can decide to sit on your face. As you gain more weight, the body starts to build extra tissue which forms a layer – as can be seen under the eyes and in the neck area.

Your face gives away your health status, according to a study. It gives an indication of what your BMI is, as much as it gives indications on your overall immune system, etc. A healthy BMI sits between 18.5 and 24.9. But for you to look noticeably attractive, the study says your BMI should be 2.5 points lower.

5 Natural Ways to Lose Face Fat

1. Do facial exercises:

When exercising to lose weight you focus on the “problem areas” so if you want your face to also look better after losing weight, you need to focus on the face! Some exercise options exist for losing face fat, and they include cheek lifts, blowing air, fish face, etc. You can do your facial exercises twice a day for about 10 minutes.

2. Have an early breakfast:

When you eat, you tell your body to start converting fat into energy. The metabolic processes speed up once you have eaten, so the sooner your body gets started, the more it will achieve in a day. Having breakfast also means you will most likely have planned meals, so you will not find yourself overeating.

3. Keep hydrated:

If you want to lose face fat you need to drink lots of water. This is to help your body get rid of toxins quicker. Fatty and sugary foods make your face look puffy because of the water retention they cause in your tissues. Even though drinking lots of water will mean a lot of loo visits, it’s totally worth it.

4. Get enough sleep:

Sleeping has many advantages, including preventing weight gain. When you do not get enough sleep (less than seven hours), you are most likely to gain weight because of a drop in leptin and hike in ghrelin. These hormones are responsible for burning calories.

5. Have a diet plan:

Foods low in carbohydrates, high in protein and low in sodium are the way to go. Carbs and sodium absorb water very quickly, so a diet high in these will mean you will become more bloated. Not eating any carbohydrates will visibly shed plenty of pounds caused by water retention. For your muscle, you need to have a protein intake of one-and-a-half to two grams, per pound, per day.


Weight loss does have a correlation with how your face looks but only the right type of exercise and diet plan will lead to good results. Looking at the negative side effects of fat on your face, one can see how less fat will mean less of these side effects and ultimately a more defined, structured face. One can use diet pills that contain natural ingredients and follow some good anti-aging tips. Both will help you to look young and lose that excess weight, combined with exercise and a healthy diet plan.

Featured photo credit: huffpost.com via i.huffpost.com

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