Viral Now - 5 Online Travel Scams & How To Avoid Them [Infographic]


There are very few things more exciting than sitting down and planning a holiday with your friends or family.

The days of heading down to the local travel agents are all but behind us, with online booking making things infinitely easier.

In fact, a recent study found that just 19 percent of holidays booked in the UK are booked by high street travel agents.

Following these results, it is predicted that they will die out completely in the next five years. Read more in this article from The Express.

With an ever expanding online market for holidays, flights and hotels, it is easy to sit for hours browsing a range of exotic locations before finally deciding.

Travel Scams

Unfortunately, online shopping brings its own set of problems. One thing which continues to rear its ugly head is online scams.

There are a number of travel scams in particular which catch out unsuspecting holidaymakers every year.

In fact, it was reported in April 2016 by the Daily Mail that fake travel sites have increased five-fold in the past 12 months.

All of this means that when we head online to book our summer getaway, we need to be aware of all the potential scams attempting to catch us out.

Infographic has put together a helpful infographic titled ‘5 Online Travel Scams & How To Avoid Them’.

It offers up plenty of helpful information to ensure your holiday planning isn’t completely destroyed by scammers. Take a look for yourself below.


5 Online Travel Scams & How To Avoid Them – An infographic by the team at Citybase Apartments

Featured photo credit: Shutterstock via

The post 5 Online Travel Scams & How To Avoid Them [Infographic] appeared first on Lifehack.

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