Viral Now - 5 Proven Ways to Improve How People Treat You
The saying goes, “Don’t judge a book by its cover” – but that’s not how real life works. Sure, in our minds, we all know we shouldn’t treat people differently based on how they look. But on a gut level, most of us can’t help but be nicer to someone we find attractive.
Studies have found that attractive people find jobs more easily, get promoted faster and ultimately make more money.
The great news is, anyone can appear significantly more attractive by changing their habits and behavior. Here are five proven ways to improve how people treat you.
1. Practice Humility
Humble people come across as being more attractive. This might seem odd, considering we live in a culture where confidence is admired so much. But for now, just remember that you can feel confident about yourself while staying humble and gracious on the outside. Modesty and a lack of self-esteem are not one and the same!
This is important, because a series of experiments found that dating app users with high humility scores got more phone numbers and likes.
So stay humble – but at the same time…
2. Be Confident About Who You Are
It’s common wisdom that confident people are more attractive. However, there’s a big difference between an outward, puffed-up confidence and a quiet but sincere feeling of self-worth.
This means you don’t have to act a certain way or fake being bold to be confident. Instead, as this Psychology Today article puts it, you simply have to “know who you are”.
To grow and nurture this kind of confidence, practice loving and accepting yourself. This will make you innately more attractive to people.
Just remember – your outward appearance matters too, so…
3. Keep Your Clothes Neat and Tidy
Famous online marketer Neil Patel made an extra $692,500 and got NBA All-Star Game tickets worth $4,000 after investing $162,301.42 in his wardrobe.
Now, most of us can’t invest that kind of money in our clothes… but it’s fair to say that what we wear says a lot about us.
So keep your clothes tidy. Iron your shirts and pants. If possible, invest a little money in getting your oversize clothes tailored.
And with so many people dressing like slobs – just check out these scathing articles about New Yorkers. Simply looking clean will make you look far better.
4. Visit The Dentist
In one study, over 5,000 singles said a nice set of teeth is the key factor in choosing their mate. Granted, this is singles – but a nice smile goes a long way toward making you more attractive to everyone, right?
And despite what some people think, you don’t have to pay the dentist a fortune to have a set of healthy, white teeth.
Getting your teeth cleaned thoroughly at the dentist’s office costs less than $100 in most states. A high-quality teeth whitening that won’t harm your teeth can cost as little as $200. Tooth implants, which are sometimes covered by dental insurance, have a 97% success rate.
In short, there’s no reason not to have pearly whites in 2016!
5. Improve Your Body Language
Body language can be deceptive. For instance, imagine you’re having lunch with someone who’s frowning, squinting and crossing their arms. What would you think?
If you’re like most people, you’d think the person across the table is in a bad mood and maybe even standoffish with you.
But they could simply be reacting to the sun hitting their eyes or the temperature in the room.
And that’s how having negative body language can make people think they’re upsetting you when that’s not the case at all.
This works both ways. Positive body language can instantly make you more likable and boost your charisma.
These tips work no matter what you look like. Perhaps, at the end of the day, other people simply appreciate it when others make an effort to look and act pleasant around them. Go figure!
Featured photo credit: freepik via
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