Viral Now - 6 Low Investment Home Based Businesses for Women


Are you worried about finding alternative streams of income? Both passive and active? If you are a housewife or not doing any other job, you can easily start home based businesses with little involvement of your time and money.

Here are 6 home based businesses you can start right away with the lowest investment involved:

1. Baby Sitting

Probably the easiest and ready to go business for any women is starting a home-based babysitting business. You get ready clients i.e. your neighbours. The children staying with you feel at home as they remain within a familiar environment.

You need a separate area within your home to set up for this type of business and you can further supplement your core income by offering healthy snacks and other stuff to children and charge the parents for it.

2. Making and Selling Woodwick Candles

Woodwick candles are not ordinary candles and you can easily charge a premium on them if you know the art of making high quality scented candles. Right from Amazon to small scale woodwick candles suppliers, there is a huge market for this type of business. If you want to learn how to make woodwick candles, you can easily find many resources on online or even find a local supplier or craftsman to teach you this art.

Go for it if you are ready to invest a bit of your time in learning how to make woodwick candles.

3. Home Tutoring

Online Home tutoring is on the rise and Indian students are making real cash teaching UK students. If you are good at some subjects such as maths or even English, you can easily earn a good amount. There are many websites which can list you as an expert and you can deliver your own prepared courses.

Speciality subjects make you more money therefore if you are not good at some subjects, first, improve your skills by taking online courses and then you can start home tutoring, working as an expert on sites such as

4. Work as accountant

Accountancy is still the most lucrative profession which you can adapt while fully staying at home. Small businesses are required to prepare their financial statements in order to meet the tax requirements. Your advantage can greatly increase if you know data entry also as many businesses require excel based work to do some data crunching for them.

If you are not good at MS Excel, you can simply work as a tax consultant to offer your services. Tax consultancy can easily be done through a home based set up. However, you may have to go out to hunt for more clients. Best approach always is to go hunting for your neighbourhood businesses and offer them your services.

5. Renting and Selling Wedding Dresses

Even if you are not a good designer of wedding dresses, the business of selling or renting wedding dresses can easily be done from home. All you need is a good business sense and a little bit of market knowledge.

You can easily get clients in your neighbourhood or through your community participation. Many women are selling hand-made dressing services at premium prices and are managing the business from home. This business costs you less than $10,000 to start and cost can go down further if you avoid setting a formal business and hire attorneys and accountants. Keep it simple initially and you can be on your way to be the top business woman in your locality.

6. Online Driving Lessons

If you have good internet connection and feel confident to sit in front of a computer using Skype, you can easily teach theoretical parts of the driving lessons to anyone. There are many online services which are offering online driving classes, especially teaching the theory classes.

Online driving lessons can bring you repeat business as many students fail to pass it on their first attempt, so keep your fingers crossed.

Earning money online is easier than you think and even if you are a housewife or taking care of the kids at home, you can easily do home based jobs to earn more money and support your family.

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