Viral Now - 7 Best Instant Messaging Apps for iOS Devices


There are around two million apps today in the App Store, and filtering out the best among all the other apps can be difficult, especially when you’re presented with a lot of choices. When choosing a messaging app, you want an app that enables you to contact people wherever and whenever you need to. It has to have good security and privacy, along with latest and most useful social trend models.

Instead of randomly downloading the next cool-looking app, I’ll help you narrow down your choices to make sure you’re getting what you really need. Here are the seven best messaging apps for your iOS device:

1. WhatsApp

As of February 2016, WhatsApp reached one billion users, making it the most popular instant messaging application. After Facebook’s acquisition of the messaging app for $19 billion a couple of years ago, WhatsApp no longer charged its $1 annual subscription, making it free of charge for users worldwide. It works across both platforms, making it easy to contact your friends with Android devices. You can also send photos, audios, and videos on individual or group chats. WhatsApp emojis are color adjustable and new updates enable users to format text and tag people.

Get the App : iTunes, Google Play, PC (WebWhatsapp)

2. Messenger

With messenger, all your FB friends and people in your phone book are now simply a message away. Messenger has a lot of cool features such as adorable sticker packs, emoticons, and gifs you can embed in every message. Today, Messenger is more than just a chatting platform. Earlier this year, the app launched new free tools that allow users to send money through Messenger and video chat with people. It also has its own desktop client, making it suitable not only for personal but also business use.

Get the App : iTunes, Google Play , Desktop App

3. iMessage

This is seemingly the obvious choice for iOS users everywhere. Its only downfall is that it isn’t a cross platform app. But iMessage is one of the best instant messaging apps with the best cool features. In the latest versions, they’ve added stickers and “bubble effects” on your messages. Another cool feature is the “Invisible Ink” which blurs your message until the recipient uncovers it in, making it less likely to be read over somebody’s shoulder.

With iMessage, you can also send various screen effects like a downpour of balloons, fireworks and even shooting stars across your friend’s screen. You can send all your basic media as well as hand-written notes and photos you’ve drawn on. Any links you send will show up as a preview in the chat itself.

Get the App :, iMessage for Windows

4. Snapchat

Snapchat is unique as a social media app. This is mainly due to the fact that all messages are temporary and disappear after they have been read. This app is all about fun and casual conversations. It works on both Android and iOS.There are tons of features on this app and the developers are constantly adding more. They’re also well known for their filters that make photo sending a blast. There are also filters for your videos, enabling you to play them in slow motion or in reverse! You can send all the standard media files that you would on any other messaging app and can even send photos during calls.

Get the App : Google Play, iTunes

5. Kik

Kik is a wildly popular cross-platform app that has over 90 million users globally. Kik allows sending files, links, hand-drawn doodles, and even memes! It’s continually improving and giving users fun functions. Kik is good for anonymous messaging as it does not need your email address or your phone number to be shown to contacts. Kik only allows users to be added as “friend” by searching their username.

Get the App : iTunes, Google Play

6. Viber

Viber is another free messenger that allows users to chat and connect with people all over the world. While this dual platform app is not as popular as the other messaging apps, it is the top app of choice in many countries. Australia, for example, uses Viber more than any messaging app. Similar to WhatsApp in features, Viber enables people to create group chats, send videos, music, photos, audio and voice notes.

Get the App: iTunes, Google Play

7. Google Allo

One of the newest free smart messaging apps on the market, Google Allo is available on all platforms. This app has a built-in text bot called “Google Assistant” that has been cleverly designed to answer queries like a virtual assistant. This app gives users the ability to search conversations and includes many features of trending messaging apps like stickers, doodles, and emoji features.

Get the App: iTunes, Google Play

Featured photo credit: Clem Onojeghuo via

The post 7 Best Instant Messaging Apps for iOS Devices appeared first on Lifehack.

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