Viral Now - 7 Movies That Can Help You Overcome Your Fears


FDR famously said at the beginning of the Great Depression: “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” But fear is a powerful emotion that Americans pay over 7 billion bucks per year to overcome. A lot of that money goes to therapists and the like.

But some people try their own homeopathic approach to curing their phobias. For instance, if you’re afraid of spiders you can hold a hand full of toy spiders to master the phobia.

You can get a lot of fearful and creepy things at places like Pier 1 and Oriental Trading if you’d like to try overcoming your own phobias.

Of course, sometimes a phobia gets the better of us; so it may be wise to use a trained exposure therapist, if you can afford it.

Perhaps the best way to face down your fears in the comfort of your own home is to get a subscription to Netflix and start watching all the horror movies they have. Better watch with a friend and a big bowl of Valium.

Here are some terrific suggestions for horrible films:

1. The Creature From The Black Lagoon (1957)

(For overcoming Hydrophobia – the fear of water)

The gill man lurks below every puddle and pond for the true hydrophobic. So what better way to face those fears than to watch the original movie? Also, for you guys who suffer from a severe fear of blondes traipsing around in outstanding bikinis, this movie will prove very therapeutic as well . . .

2. Frankenstein (1931)

(For overcoming Luciphobia – the fear of lightning)

James Whale’s classic Universal horror film highlights one of the problems of modern man — what do you do during a really insane lightning storm? If you have a phobia about lightning, you usually scream and head for the basement or maybe go hide in the bathtub while covering yourself with a blanket. Not to worry; just watch old Franky come to life during the biggest lightning storm in history and you’ll understand how affirming a bolt from the blue can be.

3. Dracula Has Risen From The Grave!  (1963)

(For overcoming Hemophobia – the fear of blood)

This British film stars Christopher Lee as the thirsty Count. There’s more blood spilled per victim than in any other Drac film, and it’s in color. So just sit back and watch the Count do his thing on a dozen anorexic necks.

4. The Birds (1963)

(For overcoming Ornithophobia – the fear of birds)

The old chill-meister himself, Alfred Hitchcock, serves up a terrifying vision of a world where all the birds gang up on humanity. Their sinister goal? To peck out our eyes in revenge for inventing Tweety Pie.

5. Them! (1954)

(For overcoming Entomophobia – the fear of ants)

If you think ants at a picnic are bad, wait until these giant radioactive ants show up – they don’t want your sandwiches… they want you! Thank goodness the good old US Army shows up in time to blast them to pieces, and then goes off into the desert to set off a few more experimental atomic bombs just to see what happens.

6. 1980 (1980)

(For overcoming coulrophobia – the fear of clowns)

This film of the Stephen King novel shows clowns in their true light — evil, flesh-eating fiends! So the next time someone you love says they want to run away and join the circus, you should tie them up in a straight jacket and deposit them at the nearest psychiatric ward for observation. It’s the only humane thing to do.

7. Snakes on a Plane (2006)

(For overcoming Ophidiophobia – the fear of snakes)

Ever since the Garden of Eden, people have been suspicious of snakes. Those beady eyes, that flicking forked tongue, that repulsive slithering motion – oh wait, that also describes lawyers. Well, if you have a thing about snakes, just watch Samuel L. Jackson in this movie take care of a plane full of vipers and other venomous snakes.

If you couldn’t find your fear here, check out this list from to see if you can find the movie to scare the fear out of you.

The post 7 Movies That Can Help You Overcome Your Fears appeared first on Lifehack.

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