
Viral Now - 7 Reasons You Should Consider Green Juice Powders


Everyone is aware of the benefits of the greens and more and more scientific evidence do support this fact.

Many vegans and fitness specialists endorse various greens i.e. both vegetables and the fruits to be consumed in greater quantities if one wants to achieve and maintain superior health.

A new variation has emerged which claims to provide same benefits as the green juices themselves and it is called green juice powders.

Here are some of the reasons you should start using green juice powders

1. Juicing is time-consuming

It is a fact that juicing is time-consuming.

You must first go through the process of buying a juicer and then also keep maintaining it. It is always a pain to find a reliable juicer at affordable prices so most simply avoid them and directly buy green juice powders to get almost same benefits.

Busy professionals who are also health conscious can easily find green juices a better alternative to having healthy drinks anywhere they want.

Though juicing takes away the fiber from the fruits and greens but juice powder come with added nutrients so you always get more benefits.

2. They are easy to use

Most of the green juice powders can be simply mixed with the water or coconut water to drink. You can every carry them in your pocket to drink them anytime.

The ease with which they can be used provides busy persons’ lot of benefits to drinking healthy drinks even on meals.

It is always better to prepare your own green juice for lunch instead of having a soft drink stuffed with sugar and other harmful chemicals.

3. They are low-calorie diets

Green Juice powders are low-calorie diets as most of the calories are dried in the process. Due to this reason, green juice powders are good alternatives for consumption.

Consuming high amounts of best organic green juice powders is to alkalinize the body to claim long term benefits of consuming greens.

It is a fact that during the process of juicing, fiber gets wasted, however, green juice powders, though are low calorie in nature, contain extra nutrients which can balance the deficiency of fiber.

4. Green Juice powders contain additional nutrients

Some green juice powder suppliers top up the juice powders with extra nutrients such as additional green tea powder and extra vitamins to give the required boost.

The addition of nutrients makes the green juice powders more preferred drinks as compared to other processed drinks with no or little nutrients.

Additional nutrients also cover up the deficiencies in green juice powders due to losses during juicing and other processing steps. By adding additional nutrients, green juice suppliers actually provide additional benefits.

5. Best quality powders can be stored in cool and dry places

Green juices often become useless after day or two of juicing.

Green juice powders are great in the sense that they are dehydrated therefore they can easily be stored in cool and dry places.

Due to this reason, they are long lasting offering same health benefits as compared to green juices which may not be used beyond few days.

Green juice powders may also contain some probiotics and enzymes making them more nutrient and a better alternative to many other drinks available in the market.

Though they are convenient and easy to use but ultimately it is your decision to whether consume them or not. If your lifestyle can allow you to opt for green juice powders you must consider them as they offer good health benefits. Do your research in finding perfect green juice powder for you as not all brands are of same quality or prepared with high standards.

The post 7 Reasons You Should Consider Green Juice Powders appeared first on Lifehack.

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