Viral Now - 7 Simple Tricks to Enhance Your Gaming Performance


Computer gaming is pretty popular. New games are introduced every day and each new game has better graphics and features.

If you do not like losing, then you should always look for ways to improve your skills and become a better player.

There are several things that can affect your performance.

Here are some useful tips that can help you improve your computer gaming skills.

1. Small things make a difference:

Small and simple things can help a lot in improving your game. It requires concentration and active mindedness. You can improve your focus by changing a few things. Try not to listen to music while playing.

When you are playing and listening to music at the same time your focus is divided. A part of your brain is concentrating on the game, but some part is focused on the music. It is better to increase the volume of game sound effects.

Sound effects are an excellent way of increasing the concentration. If you do not want to be disturbed then you should prefer to wear headphones. It will cut off all the outside noises and all your focus is dedicated to the game.

2. Brightening the screen:

Most of the games have a combination of dark and muddled colors because it helps make the colors stand out. It provides an excellent contrast. It is good at offering a certain mood, but it can make it difficult to see everything.

You have to make sure that the brightness of the screen is maximized. Try to adjust the colors so that you do not have trouble seeing things clearly. You will be so much better at playing if the graphics of the game are clear and obvious.

You have to be comfortable so make sure the computer gaming desk is at level and brightness is perfect.

3.Customizing the controls to your liking:

There are several games which allow you to change the settings of the game so that you are comfortable. You should take full advantage of the customization feature. Do not rush into playing the game.

Take your time to explore the settings and know how you can use them to your advantage. Make sure you have the best sensitivity level. Changing the settings can improve the game a lot.

4. No shame in learning from others:

Whenever you get a chance to learn from someone who is better than you at the game you should not miss that opportunity. You can always learn new tricks from other people. Each and every game has its tricks and strategies.

The internet is an excellent platform. You can always take advantage of other people’s expertise. You can find online tips and they are highly useful. You can also use youtube and look for videos of other people playing. evonews provides news on gaming and how technology is actually evolving for gaming.

You can learn from other people’s reactions to certain situations.

5.Being competitive is good:

You can always improve your skills by being competitive. The best way of getting better is to play with people who are better than you. You should not be afraid to compete with people with a better skill set.

When you compete with better players it will be a challenge and playing is much more exciting when there is more competition.

6.Make sure graphic card drivers are up to date:

Improving the graphics can have a lot of impact on your performance. The updating process is simple and easy. It will take just minutes to update the drivers and the impact it has on your performance is huge, so it is better not to ignore updating the drivers.

7.Strengthen the hand muscles:

If you are playing computer games for more than an hour daily then the hands and fingers will start to feel the strain and with time they will become less responsive. It can a lot of effect on the performance.

There are simple exercises such as tennis ball squeezing or thumb opposition that can be effective in improving the performance.

These are some of the simple and easy tips that can have a lot of positive impact on your gaming skills.

Featured photo credit: Techhook via

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