
Viral Now - 7 Simple Tricks to Jumpstart Major Lifestyle Changes


Nowadays, there are a lot of people who feel unhappy. They seem unsatisfied with their lives in general and, although most of them can actually change that all on their own, as there are no other factors that hold us back but ourselves, they somehow choose not to. But, how can you blame them? Turning your life around is not a simple thing.

It takes dedication and persistence. You have to learn to love yourself more in order to be happier. For most people, the problem lies in their tendencies to enter their comfort zones and never ever step out of them. Additionally, they don’t really think about their lives, and they never try to analyze what bothers them; to pinpoint the exact things that have a negative effect on them or those that work in a good way.

Making the first step is usually the most difficult thing, and once you get that done, everything will go easier from there. In this post, I will try to talk about the things you can do to motivate yourself in order to stick with the new things in your life.

People are complacent, and we all need a spark to jumpstart progress and to keep us motivated during those first few months, while you are still getting used to all the changes. Here are the things you can do to make this process easier and finally make the changes you want.

Before you start doing anything, the first thing you should do is to set your goals.

1. Don’t think too much, but act


One of the biggest reasons why a lot of people don’t go through with their changes is that they overthink everything. Sometimes, simplicity is essential. Just think about it. When was the last time you thought about doing something but decided not to go through with it? Did you think that it was a good idea, but then you started to dig deeper, and suddenly a lot of obstacles started piling up and, soon enough, you gave up on that idea?

Picturing the obstacles in your head can be a good thing if you do this for the sake of preparation, but a lot of us just put stress on ourselves. We invoke negativity that ultimately drives us away from actually doing something. Every drastic change that seriously affects our lifestyle takes time, and we tend to go through all the possible scenarios in our head, all at once.

This becomes overwhelming and a person can easily get scared when they realize the volume of the work and effort they must put in. Additionally, when a person is unsatisfied with their life, chances are that there is not much motivation there for doing new things. By overthinking, that person will only get negative results.

Instead of doing this, you should immediately get to it and start doing the things you think are good for you, without putting in much thought. Bit by bit, you will accomplish a lot. These small victories will motivate you even further. No one can predict the future. Things simply happen, and it is out of your control.

2. Creating a morning routine


Every day starts by getting up in the morning (like you didn’t know that already…); but seriously, it is important that you start your day right so that you can build on it with a winning attitude. You might not think that this is so important (neither did I), but once I started doing exactly what helps me wake up and get a positive flow running first thing in the morning, my everyday challenges became a lot easier.

Regardless of your current occupation, a good morning routine will help you do better. Now, don’t be scared thinking that “a morning routine” is something terrifying and serious. No, it’s just defining the “rituals” that have a positive effect on you in the morning. For example, turn on some music straight away, open your windows to feel the sun, do some exercises, etc.

Simply put, whatever helps you wake up your mind and body without annoying you is a good thing. If you have a partner or a spouse, a quickie in the morning to get the blood flowing through your body is an excellent choice. It will most definitely improve your mood. There’s nothing better than some sweet lovin’ in the mornin’.

3. Make a deal with another person


Usually there are certain lifestyle changes that your family members, friends, or partners want to make as well. If you have somebody who has the same issues as you do, it’s generally a good idea to try and do this together. By partnering up, you will support each other and find it easier to make that essential first step.

A lot of people can’t make a change because they haven’t done something new for a long time and they have barriers in their head that seem too great to overcome. However, when you share the same troubles with someone else who is in a similar position, both of you will have an easier time making the important first step.

However, it’s essential that you first make a deal with each other and agree on the exact date when you’ll start doing the activities you both share a passion for. This is your safety net, and it directly reduces the chances of you changing your mind. Why? Simply because we tend not to have much against being dishonest with ourselves, but most good people try to do their best to honor the deals they’ve made with others, especially if they are close to them.

4. Get the Pocket Yoga app

I think that the name itself explains pretty much everything. Pocket Yoga is an app which connects practicing yoga with your mobile device. This simple tool features pretty much all the yoga exercises you need. You can choose exercises based on the time needed to finish them, their difficulty level, and type.

Yoga is one of the best ways to get the exercise you need for a strong posture, a healthy body, and to absorb the positive energy that will fuel your everyday success. It has all the instructions you need, and if you haven’t done any yoga in the past, there are simple exercises to start with.

With this app, you can incorporate yoga in your busy schedule.

5. Cherish your life


The modern lifestyle we live can make us forget about how great it is just to be alive, and because of the fact that we have so much information available to us, we focus on other people’s lives instead of our own. Take a moment to sit down and think about your life and focus on the things you have instead of thinking about what others have.

Looking at the options you have and the things that make you happy can stimulate you to build on them. No matter who your role models are and what they have, they also got there by putting in the effort. It’s important that you adopt a winning mindset and accept challenges instead of sitting back and thinking about how things would have gone if your life had been different.

6. Accept failure as a normal thing

Freedom Young beautiful woman stretching her arms into the sky enjoy and happy with fresh air at grassland.

The first thing you should do is to accept all the failures that you had in the past and deal with them. Nobody is perfect—we all make mistakes—but those who do manage to accomplish their goals are the ones who keep moving forward, who learn new things, and who don’t let their defeats drag them down. This might sound like a cliché, but it’s true. Things don’t always have to be complicated. After you’re through with this, focus on the future and the goals you want to achieve.

Accepting failure is also important. You might wonder “why should I plan for failure if I’m trying to accomplish something?” This is a good question. By accepting failure, I don’t mean that you should give up on your goals, but to accept the fact that there will be difficulties along the way. If you fail with one method, try a better one, or learn from your mistakes and don’t let them happen to you again.

By preparing for failure, it will be easier to move on and you won’t be so scared of it, meaning that you will have more courage to invest yourself in changing your lifestyle.

7. Get out into the world


Sitting at home in front of your computer or TV won’t do you ANY good if you are frustrated with your life. The longer you do this, the more difficult it will be for you to get out there and do something for yourself. Get out, spend time with your friends, meet new people, organize camping trips in nature, climb mountains…Experience life and share stories with people.

Sometimes all you need can be given to you by another human being and all the answers you seek might be next to you, but you have to be willing to listen. Sometimes it’s just better to stop worrying about the changes you haven’t made. Will and motivation will come on their own. Clear your head, especially when leaving the city and experiencing the calming ways of nature.

If you do at least half of the aforementioned things and try to understand them completely, I guarantee you that you will start to make serious steps towards achieving the life you want to have. The important thing is to break the procrastination cycle you locked yourself into and to change the way you think.

Featured photo credit: http://ift.tt/2gcFnRZ via pexels.com

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