Viral Now - Eating Clean But Still Have Poor Digestion? Probably You've Ignored This Important Thing


We all suffer from digestive problems at one time or other. Sometimes they can be reoccurring symptoms that can get in the way of enjoying daily life. When this happens, we tend to try and solve the problem by cutting out trigger foods and adding more healthy foods into our diets in order to eliminate any cause and eat more clean.

While this is a great way to improve digestion, our bile production plays a massive factor in how strong or weak our digestive systems are and could well be the cause of reoccurring stomach and digestion trouble.

The Role Of Bile In The Digestion Process

The bile in our body is produced by the liver where it then gets taken and stored in the gallbladder. It’s here that the bile is used every time we consume a fatty meal – the gallbladder releases bile into the small intestine where it breaks down the fats and helps neutralize the pH level of the stomach acid.

The Problem With Thick Bile

There’s one common reason why our digestive processes become weaker over time and that’s down to a production of thick bile.

Thick bile is created when the liver is too overworked due to having to deal with too much fatty foods and so less is produced and forms more thickly. The gallbladder then has less to pass into the small intestine and is not enough to neutralize the stomach acid. This high acidity scorches the small intestine and can result in common digestive symptoms like heartburn, indigestion and bloating.

It doesn’t stop there – once the small intestine is irritated it sends a message to the stomach to stop producing so much acid. While this may stop the digestive problems, it means our body adapts to the low-level of bile and our digestive process becomes more sensitive.

How To Reverse The Problem Of Thick Bile

So we know thick bile is actually a bile deficiency and for an optimal digestion process we need to stimulate a production of thinner bile.

1. Drink Plenty of Water

One of the main ways to get your bile production back on track is to make sure you hydrate with water. When the liver is overworked, it gets clogged up and requires a process of detoxification. Proper cellular hydration will help flush out the liver and give it a new lease of life. Bile is also made up of 85% water so it’s important that water gets to pass through the liver.

2. Eat Beetroot

Beetroot is one of the best foods you can eat to get your bile production up and running again. It’s a rich source of source of betaine which is a natural liver detoxifier and bile thinner. Eating one a day, preferably raw for 3 months you will make a huge difference to the consistency of your bile and get your liver working more productively.

3. Dandelion

Dandelion is a known liver cleanser so try to incorporate dandelion into your daily diet. Dandelion tea is great at maintaining and promoting the proper flow of bile so it offers that extra support to the liver.

4. Cut Out Alcohol

While drinking small amounts of alcohol won’t do much damage to your liver, it would be beneficial to cut out or significantly cut down on alcohol consumption. When bile production is down, the liver needs all the chance it can to improve its functionality. Green tea, and of course, water will act as a great detox in the absence of alcohol.

When you focus on your bile production, your liver, gallbladder and digestion will start to improve. It can eliminate common digestive problems and promote health and vitality throughout the rest of your body so give your liver a boost.

The post Eating Clean But Still Have Poor Digestion? Probably You’ve Ignored This Important Thing appeared first on Lifehack.

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