
Viral Now - How to Keep Calm and Carry On During Stressful Times


We’ve all come across stressful moments in our lives. It affects our productivity and influences our choices. Learning to manage during stressful times is vital for health and lifestyle. Here are some ways to keep calm and carry on when you’re experiencing stress.

Keep a journal

Keeping a journal works as a way to vent without involving another person. Writing out your thoughts is a physical way of letting your emotions out. It’s tangible and writing can help channel out negative feelings.


Leaving the house is difficult when you feel stressed out. I’ve had my fair share of days where I curl up into my bed and waste my day away. This left me feeling stuck and vulnerable. I started slowly by taking walks to my mail box then tried to routinely go for walks. This helps me move around and get out of my house without having to go too far and join a gym. Other forms of exercise also help to reduce stress.

Keep busy

Keeping busy helps you focus on tasks on hand rather than letting your mind wander to “what-if” scenarios. Free time leads to a vicious cycle of feeling sorry for yourself and leaves your mind to constantly think of your problems.

Assess your problems

In most cases, the majority of our problems are all in our head. Over-thinking leads to imagining problems that are as problematic as they seem. Ask yourself, “is this really an issue?” I’ve had countless moments in life when I thought I was stuck for good. I look back now and realize how silly I was for overreacting to my problems. Take time out to assess your problems before turning them into long-term issues.

Drink water and eat healthily

Stress-eating is one of the worst issues during hard times. I’m guilty of it myself. I can go through leftover cold pizza, ramen noodles, soda, and coffee within the same three-hour period. It’s horrifying and while it feels great at the moment, I feel even worse than I did before once the day has ended. Treat yourself once in awhile but don’t indulge in the dreadful world of binge-eating.

Listen to music

Music is a gateway to a different world. Listening to music is one of my favorite things to do during stressful times as it takes my mind off of the things bothering me. I either listen to happy music to get me through the day or have a solid cry session listening to sad music. I use Spotify to listen to my music; it recommends other songs and offers mood-based playlists, as well.

Cry it out

Speaking of crying it out, it is a great way to relieve stress. It works as an emotional detox. I tend to let things build up until I suddenly break down and cry a good, ugly cry. I feel better immediately afterward.

Vent to a friend

Vent to someone if you have a friend you feel comfortable sharing your feelings with. Sometimes, it’s not even advice we need but someone to listen. Venting your emotions is a great way to let out all of the anger, hurt, pain, or depression you’ve been letting simmer inside.

Watch something funny

I love to watch stand-up comedy when I feel sad. It’s my go-to feel-good remedy. Netflix offers a variety of options, including comedians like Kevin Hart, Aziz Ansari, or Louis C.K. If you’re not into stand-up comedy, try watching other shows (I recommend The Office or Parks and Rec) or watch funny dog or cat videos on YouTube. Whatever it is, laugh away your problems until you feel better.

Just breathe

The most important thing to do during stressful periods of life is to breathe. Try breathing exercises. I personally have invested in an air purifier to help me breathe better at home. It clears out the dust and allergens and improves the air circulation in my room. The pink noise also helps me sleep better. When I feel anxious, I can’t take deep breaths properly and this leads to more stress and anxiety, so this solution helps a lot.

Featured photo credit: Carli Jeen via unsplash.com

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