Viral Now - Learn Five Ways to Capture Memories


Most of us travel to unique places or meet unique people. Sometimes we encounter such fantastic moments that we wish to swim in the memories forever. The best way to keep these memories alive is to freeze them. Luckily both old and new technologies allow us to be able to accomplish this quite easily. In fact, modern lives are so well documented it’s easy to know what’s going on in the life of someone you haven’t seen in years. Certain memories lend themselves more readily to certain means of recording and storage.

Archive photos.

There are lots of photographers who capture beautiful moments like births, birthdays, anniversaries, and weddings at very affordable rates. Also most gadgets including phones, tablets, and even any office or gaming laptop that are under $100, have fantastic cameras that allow you to capture memories. You can create photo albums or digital photo frames for storage. It’s also possible to have backup storage of soft copies. Many older hard copy photos can also be converted to soft copies for ease of storage and safe keeping. Currently, there exist hundreds of apps for storing photos off-site for a long time.

Write a biography or keep journals.

You don’t have to be a famous personality to write your biography. There are precious relations, memories, and seasons that would be wonderful to record. You can have a notebook computer file for such purposes. Alternatively, you can have a private online blog or memory book. A journal enables you to capture the different seasons of life and the various emotional and mental journeys that you walked through and how they influenced your view of reality and relationships. Well-written biographies with properly-defined timelines are always treasured. It’s often easier to write down your thoughts than verbalize them into a recorder.

Create a scrapbook.

You can pin awards, certificates, testimonials, memorabilia, and precious letters into a scrapbook. You can also have a small scrapbook with old photos, which you can fix or edit with Photoshop or PhotoLemur for Mac users. In it you can let friends or loved ones write beautiful thoughts or memories about each other. Make sure the scrapbook memory captures as much of your essential stories as possible. These books could be general or dedicated to specific topics like cooking or child development. The books, trophies, and memorabilia can all be stored in a keepsake box. These are boxes (preferably wooden or metal) which act as a treasure chest of all the times that you value.

Record an oral history.

The best part about modern recordings is that they don’t have to be top-quality. Most digital phones have video cameras that provide remarkable quality. If there are beautiful family moments like a Christmas message from a distant relative, a goodwill message to/from Granny, or a visit abroad, they can all be recorded. Capturing voice and motion images of events adds more life and realness to the memories being captured. It’s also a very efficient tool to record family traditions and family history that are on the brink of getting lost.

Make a video.

There is a high probability that you have lots of movies that can no longer be played in the old format. You can have them converted from VCR to the latest format for preservation. Videos differ from oral recordings in that they are less officious and of better quality. You should enlist the service of a skilled videographer, whether they own the best drones available in the market to capture moments from high buildings, or just high-end DSLR cameras to record the moments for weddings, graduations, or birthdays. Well-made videos tend to connect the younger generation to people and events from the past that they may have missed.

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