[Amazing] 25 Things People Think Are True Because Of Hollywood

Hollywood is an interesting place. But wait, is it just a place? It might be more of a concept. Maybe an idea. Where are we going with this? Well, let’s talk. Hollywood represents something. It is the face of America to the world. Everything it puts on the big screen is exactly what the world perceives the United States to be. American culture is so dominant that even one catchy phrase by some unknown actor in the background of some unknown movie can completely shift the way an entire country views the United States.

But let’s bring this closer to home. Even in the little things, like fashion, style, and dialect, Hollywood plays a role in shaping our own society as Americans. Now, this is many times not a bad thing. There are gazillions of things that Hollywood does in fact portray accurately about the nation. We drive big cars, have lots of space, people are friendly, the cities are huge. All true. But today we’re going to focus on the things that might not be so true. The bad part, of course, is that some people unfortunately believe these things to be true. So, whether you are American or not, these are 25 things people think are true because of Hollywood!

Featured Image: pixabay


Getting the guy/girl is the hardest part of the relationship.

Getting the guy/girl is the hardest part of the relationship.

Image: wikipedia

Nope. That’s the easy part.


Silencers don't make noise


Image: wikipedia, Source: reddit

If this is what you think, you’ve never been an assassin.


Zooming into blurry images magically increases their clarity


Image: wikipedia

If the image was blurry when you were zoomed out, it will be even more blurry when you zoom in.


Safes are protected by visible red lasers

red lasers

Image: wikipedia, Source: reddit

The lasers thing may be true, but they are almost certainly not visible.


That a car can make a jump and land perfectly with no damage or injuries

car flip

Image: wikipedia, Source: reddit

Whoever thinks this has never hit a pothole.


Asteroid fields are so crammed with asteroids that you would barely see anything else

Asteroid fields are so crammed with asteroids that you would barely see anything else

Image: pixabay, Source: wikipedia

Actually, if you were in an asteroid field you probably wouldn’t even know it. They’re usually separated by millions of kilometers.


People will wait their turn to attack you


Image: wikipedia, Source: reddit

Just because you know karate doesn’t mean that the whole mob won’t beat you down at once.


Picking locks only takes a few seconds


Image: wikipedia, Source: lifehacker

Have you ever picked a lock? It can take hours.


Spears were only used by cavemen


Image: wikipedia, Source: wikipedia

Actually, spears are the most common weapon of all time, even after guns became a thing (bayonets?). In Hollywood though, it’s either swords or tanks.


That you can sneak around guards using vents


Image: public-domain-image.com, Source: reddit

Hollywood makes it seem like vents are clean, spacious, and have nothing in them except for crawl space.


Chloroform knocks you out in seconds

Chloroform meme

Source: wikipedia

More like several minutes of non-stop exposure.


Enjoying this list? Check out 25 Misconceptions Hollywood Has Taught Us.


Computers can do anything as long as you type really fast


Image: pixabay

And it’s even more effective when 2 people are typing on the same keyboard.


Solid stuff is bulletproof

Solid stuff is bulletproof

Image: pixabay, Source: reddit

Most things aren’t bulletproof.




Image: wikipedia, Source: wikipedia

British soldiers were no where near as posh looking as the American Revolutionary War movies make them seem. They were usually lower class and considered riff-raff among other European powers at the time.


Hitting someone on the head will knock them out for a few minutes


Image: wikipedia, Source: wikipedia

Probably not, but it could kill them after a few days due to hemorrhaging.


Getting pushed by the impact of a bullet


Image: wikipedia, Source: wikipedia

Bullets don’t do that. Sometimes, you won’t even know you were shot at first.


Grenades cause big fireballs


Image: wikipedia, Source: wikipedia

No they don’t. It looks like a quick dust storm. It’s the shrapnel and concussion that are deadly.


You can have a multiple bedroom apartment in New York City all to yourself while working part time as a waiter and still have enough to go out and party.

You can have a multiple bedroom apartment in New York City all to yourself while working part time as a waiter and still have enough to go out and party

Try it some time.


Nuclear power plants explode when they go critical

power plant

Image: wikipedia, Source: wikipedia

First of all, nuclear plants are always critical. They have to be critical to function. Second of all, they don’t explode.


That kookaburras live in every jungle on Earth


Image: wikipedia, Source: wikipedia

Nope, their recognizable calls can only be heard in Australia. Nowhere else.


You can hear explosions in space

You can hear explosions in space

Image: wikipedia

It’s a vacuum. You can’t hear anything.


Counting cards is hard

Counting cards is hard

Image: wikipedia, Source: reddit

It’s actually pretty easy. In fact, it’s not the math that would make it hard; it’s the fact that the casino doesn’t want you doing it.


You can always park right in front of the building you want to enter

You can always park right in front of the building you want to enter

Image: wikipedia

Forget that, you can park right in front of the main door. Every time.


People flail there arms when they drown

People flail there arms when they drown

Image: pixabay, Source: wikipedia

No, they don’t. In fact, most kids will drown within 20 yards of their parents and a small percentage will drown with their parents staring right at them. Remember: kids in water are loud. It’s when they get quiet that you should worry. Furthermore, most drownings occur right at the surface, with the head above the water.


You have to keep them talking to trace the call

You have to keep them talking to trace the call

Image: wikipedia, Source: wikipedia

Since the 1980’s this has been completely instantaneous.

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