Exclusive - Beautiful Bangang River Is Possibly The Clearest River All of Malaysia

In the Malay langauge 'bangang' means 'lacking in intelligence' or 'stupid.'

The Bangang River in Malaysia, however, is far from stupid.

In fact, the beautifully crystal clear Bangang River might be the cleanest river in all of Malaysia

Sungai Bangan or simply Bangang, as locals of the Terengganu state call it, is a body of water barely touched by human activity. It remains one of the least visited rivers in Malaysia, partially due to its remote location. 

According to rangers and other experienced hikers, it takes roughly 2 days and 1 night to complete the hike towards this unblemished natural wonder. Definitely not an easy feat. 

It takes grit and determination to reach this hidden wonder. One look at the photos and you’ll know that the journey is worth it.

The river is located in the vicinity of Gunung Chemerong, Berembun, Langsir (CBL). The forest is open to the public between 8AM to 5PM.

The forest trail is located at Hutan Lipur Chemerong within Hulu Dungun - around 100 KM away from Kuala Terengganu. The forest is also home to the Chemerong Waterfall, one of the highest waterfalls in Malaysia.

From this starting point, hikers need to make their way to the peak of the Chemerong and Berembun Mountain. There is a campsite at the Langsir Waterfall where visitors can spend the night.

After an estimated 3 hours of hiking, vacationers will arrive at the Bangang River. If you have no prior experience in hiking, it is strongly recommended that you join up with another group of hikers or the forest rangers. 

It is important to pick up after yourself and leave the area clean when visiting these nature locales in order to preserve the surrounding natural beauty of the environment.

Beautiful Bangang River Is Possibly The Clearest River All of Malaysia

Beautiful Bangang River Is Possibly The Clearest River All of Malaysia
Source: TNP , Worldofbuzz

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