Exclusive - A Boy Stepped Into A Bus Crying. When The Driver Learned Why, He Quickly Reacted and Did This! This Will Bring You To Tears!
With all the violence happening around the world today, it is certainly invigorating to hear news that touches upon the soul.
A 52-year-old bus driver named John Lunceford once had a young boy step into his bus crying and shivering with his ears and hands bare despite the cold weather.
John immediately came to the boy's aid by lending him his gloves so he could warm his hands.
“I put my gloves on him and told him it’ll be OK, it’ll be OK,” John told Kennewick School District on their Facebook page.
Later that day, the bus driver learned that the young boy belonged to an unfortunate family who can't afford to provide him gloves and hats. Upon this discovery, John decided to go shopping in a nearby clothing store for the boy.
He bought not just one but a dozen hats and gloves.
The next morning John dropped off the stuff for the boy and all the students who are in a situation like his.
“I’m a grandfather, you know. No one wants a kid to suffer like that,” he told the school's Facebook page.
The parents of the young boy were grateful for John's compassionate gesture for their child.
Instantly, people's hearts were touched by this story when it reached the social media with close to 14,000 likes and thousands of shares.
It may seem like a simple charitable act, but this is just exactly what the world needs right now.