Exclusive - CAUGHT ON CAM: Exhausted Mother Boards First Class Train, But This Old Woman Refused To Let Her Sit!

This young mother found a seat in a first-class cabin and decided to sit there out of exhaustion as she was travelling with her infant son

However an elderly woman was apparently using it as place for her bag. When the mother asked her for the seat, the older lady refused.

"I asked you nicely to put your bag on the floor and I offered to put it up. I’m carrying a baby; you have to respect me," the mother argued.

"And you have to respect your elders and betters. People have actually paid to sit in this carriage," the old lady retorted.

According to the reports, the mother only had a normal ticket however the seat she found inside the train was meant for elderly, disabled, pregnant women and etc.

With the baby in hand, she believed it was her right to sit there and was considered a priority passenger too. 

However the elderly woman thought otherwise.

"I don’t want a screaming baby," she even argued.

"He’s not screaming; he is behaving better than you," the mother shot back.

Moments later, the other passengers joined the argument and started taking sides.

Fortunately someone in the first class train generously offered the mother her seat, which she eagerly accepted due to the frustrating incident and probably out of exhaustion too.

Source: TNP , Littlethings

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