Exclusive - Dying 92-Year-Old Granted His Only Wish: To Hold Wife's Hand As He Passes

A photo of an elderly Chinese couple holding hands while laying on hospital beds has gone viral. 

Dying 92-Year-Old Granted His Only Wish: To Hold Wife's Hand As He Passes

According to Chinese media, the 92-year-old man's last wish was to see his 95-year-old wife before passing on. The story has trended in China, touching the lives of millions.

Surnamed Feng, the man from Ningbo city, passed away two hours after their last reunion.

As reported by People's Daily Online - the couple, married for 66 years, were being treated at the Yingzhou People's Hospital in Ningbo. 

The touching photo was taken the day Mr. Feng passed away; sometime in late October

Dying 92-Year-Old Granted His Only Wish: To Hold Wife's Hand As He Passes

According the same report by Qianjiang Evening News, the couple was being treated on separate floors.  Mr. Feng was in for serious heart diseases at the ICU while his wife was being treated for bone fractures 11 floors above. Mr. Feng also had multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, which put him in critical condition 

The bed-bound couple had not been able to see each other for more than a month. 

Dying 92-Year-Old Granted His Only Wish: To Hold Wife's Hand As He Passes

At first, the elderly man wished to return home to die peacefully there. Mr Feng's children then arranged to discharge their father from the hospital. Suddenly, Mr. Feng changed his mind and wished to see his wife.

Reportedly, Mr.Feng's daughter asked: "Dad, have you decided to continue the treatment?"

"I have not seen my wife for a long time." he replied "I miss her."

Dying 92-Year-Old Granted His Only Wish: To Hold Wife's Hand As He Passes

The Feng family then told doctors the elderly man's final wish: to be reunited with his wife and hold her hand.

Doctors permitted them his last wish. Deeply moved by the scene, a nurse took this snapshot with her phone. 

She said, "I don't know if I would be able to experience something this touching at the end of my life."
Source: TNP , Kami

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